America calling for you.
Sprite me a Captain America 55x55 because im not good with anatomy and im lazy fuck like most Americans.
LOL that ones a winner.
Complete win.
It's awesome but the shield is not that circular.
Make it extend a bit more to the sides or decrease the height of the shield
Apart from that he looks awesome.
Why is Captain America fat? Remember he represents Americans before the video game. When Americans had to work in factories or blow up Nazis.
Or when Americans had to sit in front of the tv eating ten boxes of donuts.
He looks alright to me.
I like him.
His awesome.
Let's see what Cap. says about him.
See I told you it was awesome.
Use it!
Use it!
It represents the true American Homer.
Yeah but America is now laughing.
Take that Stan Lee.
Are you using it as avatar Cap.?
This is why I'm moving to Australia...once the fire's out.
I love America with a passion but people view america this way even in greece they picture americans as a fat person with a yankee hat and a baggy shirt with a big mac in one hand.
LOL maybe Cap America should look like that.
Joking I think the best way to picture an American is an athletic guy with a yankee cap on and in front of the Nasa Center.
(03-14-2009, 10:35 AM)Mabelma Wrote: [ -> ]LOL maybe Cap America should look like that.
Apart from the bit where Captain America is, y'know,
Ah, but there's a new Captain America.
Yes rite here