I think BttF was only released in Japan, so maybe those are the names there, but they were retranslated when dumped into the game?
Actually, you fight against matches, skinhead, and 3-D in the 5th level of the game. In the 3rd level, you fight against jazzman, hammerman, and ringmaster. There's no way they could have made any mistakes with the translation, so they probably just changed the names for the A1985 incarnations.
Hammerman, Ringmaster, and Lorraine.
In the movie, I wonder what Marty meant when he said Lorraine was so big. I mean, I think she looks a bit shorter, and much skinnier too. What do you think he possibly meant?
Hahaha, love that outfit in the movie.
"What a great bit!"
What's left of this game to rip?
Looks like you got all of the main stuff so far.
Awesome stuff, BBM! You've pumped a fair few sheets out
I love these, they look so awesome!