I ment for the custom characters but ok then. I'll think of something else to work on.
I'm pretty sure that would be fine. I think he just misunderstood.
Oh ok the well I guess I dont need to start on another idea well thanks for telling me.
I would wait first though because it seems like there's some debate on which kirby we're using.
Really im making models first so there only sprite and besides paper mario who is a bit overdone in my opinion, none are to hard I cant just make more.
(11-17-2008, 03:19 PM)Torkirby Wrote: [ -> ]I think I'm gonna want to do Marx, but what good is he in his "baby form"? Wouldn't he be better off with wings?
Here's my idea for his moveset, I have no clue what the attacks are called from KSS/U, so I'll try my best:
B: Beam (similar to R.O.B.'s beam or Squirtle's Water Gun)
>B: Needle Stream
^B: Fly (similar to Lucario and Charizard, he uses it before dropping the seeds in KSS/U)
VB: Seed plant (plants seed, then it sprouts into a huge vine in seconds)
FS: Black Hole
On Screen Appearance: Emerging from a shadow on the ground
I'll take a shot at spriting Marx with wings..
That's a nice way to put it. Where do you think his cutter and ice ball attacks come in?
Oh yeah also im not making any for the ones that are being made curently unless they ask besides paper mario since I already started him. So ask if you want me to make your guy one.
(11-17-2008, 06:42 PM)megazario Wrote: [ -> ]Oh yeah also im not making any for the ones that are being made curently unless they ask besides paper mario since I already started him. So ask if you want me to make your guy one.
If this is everything you say, then just show us!
I not until I get a decent amount of guys done.
(11-17-2008, 06:41 PM)HeavyMetalHalberd Wrote: [ -> ] (11-17-2008, 03:19 PM)Torkirby Wrote: [ -> ]I think I'm gonna want to do Marx, but what good is he in his "baby form"? Wouldn't he be better off with wings?
Here's my idea for his moveset, I have no clue what the attacks are called from KSS/U, so I'll try my best:
B: Beam (similar to R.O.B.'s beam or Squirtle's Water Gun)
>B: Needle Stream
^B: Fly (similar to Lucario and Charizard, he uses it before dropping the seeds in KSS/U)
VB: Seed plant (plants seed, then it sprouts into a huge vine in seconds)
FS: Black Hole
On Screen Appearance: Emerging from a shadow on the ground
I'll take a shot at spriting Marx with wings..
That's a nice way to put it. Where do you think his cutter and ice ball attacks come in?
Never really thought about those attacks... Maybe his down smash could be the ice ball?

I think fly should b like pits instead of charizard or lucario's
Now for my little hat models these are just the begining will do more with time and will finish when the final sheet comes. THE SPRITES BEING MADE HAVE TO ASK IF THEY WANT ME TO WORK ON THERE KIRBY HAT.
Well here you go.
Really, they're all Copy and Paste, and while those are okay for now, if you sheet them, it won't work as well.
Also, leeave Mega and Lloyd Kirby to me.
(11-17-2008, 03:14 PM)CeeY Wrote: [ -> ]I like Pik's better because it fits the style better, and has that realistic look. Also I don't even think Quote is meant to have a huge head.
While I do agree that his fits the style more, Quote wasn't meant to look that realistic, and he
Does kind of have a big head. I guess I could make it a bit smaller to fit the style.
Ok then I will leave your sprites to you. Those are models right now so of course there not impressive, but of course I want to know how they are right now. I especially want to know if paper mario is over done
(11-17-2008, 08:20 PM)HunterZ Wrote: [ -> ] (11-17-2008, 03:14 PM)CeeY Wrote: [ -> ]I like Pik's better because it fits the style better, and has that realistic look. Also I don't even think Quote is meant to have a huge head.
While I do agree that his fits the style more, Quote wasn't meant to look that realistic, and he Does kind of have a big head. I guess I could make it a bit smaller to fit the style.
Its a bit large, but pretty anatomically correct. It could easily be interpreted as normal anatomy. It is definitely not twice the size of his body.