I like them, especially the mudkip, sunkern, and bibarell
I like them, especially for sunkern, bellsprout, bibarel, wooper and tentacool.
There's a line on the right of the mugshot (right next to the eye) that looks too straight to me while the part under it looks jaggy. Bellsprouts right leg (the left one) looks like it gets thicker before getting thinner.
Thanks previous, I'll see what I can do about the line. As for bellsprout I realized I made the leg too short, so that's why it looks like that, I'll have to lengthen the hind of the leg.
and comment more people ):
I love the Sunkern.

make moar woopers, plz
Very nice. Is this a game or something?
(03-25-2009, 03:24 PM)Ragnarök Wrote: [ -> ]Very nice. Is this a game or something?
its planned for one but i doubt itll ever happen

Don't be too sure, programming is rapidly "dumbifying" itself for the inexperienced masses.
I just noticed this, is the bottom "leg" of Porygon Z supposed to be jello like and blobby?
(03-25-2009, 08:20 PM)Azure Fox Wrote: [ -> ]I just noticed this, is the bottom "leg" of Porygon Z supposed to be jello like and blobby?
Looks pretty good man
Sunkern, Tentacool & Wooper look perfect, but Bellsprout seems a little too tall, and thick, and Bibarel's a little too thin
I agree with josh, bibarel's head looks a bit squished.
Great job though.
(03-25-2009, 08:50 PM)JoshR691 Wrote: [ -> ]Looks pretty good man
Sunkern, Tentacool & Wooper look perfect, but Bellsprout seems a little too tall, and thick, and Bibarel's a little too thin
really? i thought bibarel looked too fat, because its usually seen sitting down so it looks blobish, but its not as fat standing up(take a look a the platinum sprite). I havent edited bellsprout yet so ill see what i can do when i do. btw im not going accurate with the sizes on this but i might make it a pixel or 2 shorter
and cshad bibarel has a flat oval shape head, so youll have to elaborate more on that, is the line on top of its head that gives it that impression? because its head is slightly tilted.
i havent edited anything so once i do there will be some changes
edit: 400th post
Ah, I really didn't look too much at Bibarel's Platinum Sprite until I read that(Even though I've been playing it all day), but I still think his body should stick out a little more, like 2 or 3 pixels...Also, since you're not going for accurate sizes, I can't really complain with the Bellsprout then, now can I? =P