I have a Idea, Since this is my First post on this Forum, and Xd i dont know what Else to post, besides this idea. So here it goes. HAHAHA
What if we made a MMORPG Pokemon Style Game, you know, you could battle Other Trainers, Capture Pokemon, battle "REAL" Gym leaders, shit basicly do what ever you wanted to do as a Trainer, that you couldnt do in the Games themselves..
So I said, ok to myself and started Going though Everything, i could even imagen, and found a Few Good RPG Engines, that people can play right from there browsers, and i started to work. So Far, ive gotten a Pokemon PokeBall System going, and working on the Summonings.
What do you guys, think is it a Hopeless Cause, i should let pokemon Die with the Games they keep coming out with for the handheld people of this world, or should i Keep Going?
There's already one in development iirc.
Also could you Stop randomly Capitalising Words?
Got a link? (There you happy now?) I spend all day typing, to customers i just dont pay attention anymore.
(03-25-2009, 03:31 PM)Zeemort Wrote: [ -> ]There's already one in development iirc.
Really? I hadn't heard about it.
Fan made or by Gamefreak?
It's called pokemon world iirc
i think it's fanmade
Yeah, there are 2/3 that I remember coming across before. I'm pretty sure one is called 'Pokémon World'; but if you google Pokémon MMO, you'll probably find them quick enough.
I have no clue, the ones they have out now one is based off a Paid Turnkey Site called (vPet) basicly a Neopets Ripp off.
And the other, is suppose to be a php game, but the database doesnt work and the owner disappeared XD Suppose to be like Pokemon Arena or something
Still waiting on a link <.<
(03-25-2009, 03:36 PM)Rags Wrote: [ -> ] (03-25-2009, 03:31 PM)Zeemort Wrote: [ -> ]There's already one in development iirc.
Really? I hadn't heard about it.
Fan made or by Gamefreak?
It's fanmade. An official one would be cooler :c
http://www.pokemonworldonline.net/ <--- Is what i searched, i always put in MMORPG

never returns much of anything
<.< They are usen the dotK Interface and Framework XD they are just usen Custom Sprites

Sorry i was wrong, They are usen the Freebased C++ Server and client Attachment from Sourceforge XD ahhaha for Game networking <.< though not a bad idea, i was going more for a "Web based" ;p i dont think people should have to download anything to play a game, i think you should just have to put in a Link...
Its funny, how abuncha Forum Mods and High Level people jumped at my post <.< whoa, and this is my first one hahahah
Quote:i was going more for a "Web based" ;p i dont think people should have to download anything to play a game, i think you should just have to put in a Link...
True, most of those desktop games kind of lag as well.
idk, due to the features of the new games, people will only play this just explore with friends and thats it. Not really saying theres anything wrong with that.
But as for gameplay, the new official games already cover: multibattling, leaderboards, trainer and battle video ranking system, online battling, voice chat, wifi games, wifi rooms with up to 20 people and a global trading station.
platinum pretty much covered everything for multiplayer, I look at MMOs(fanmade) pointless now UNLESS you just want to explore all regions with friends. Gameplay won't be as fun as the original games though.
I do agree that an MMO needs to be done by gamefreak, I personally think only they can do it right considering what I've seen the latest game. I've tried a pokemon MMO before and it was absolute shit.
Kyledove's making one atm, it looks the sex.
I forgot about that guy, his graphics and tiles were pretty good. Also I'm not a fan of the 3rd gens sprites, I like 4th gen sprites, prob my taste is why I wouldn't play a fanmade mmo, cuz 95% of the time it's 3rd gen sprites.
Theres a lot of flaws in the gameplay that would make an mmo really difficult to make. it cant be done in 2d because passages are easily blocked off by a single person standing in the way and if you make it so people can walk through each other, itll look all dumb and silly. theres also the actual trainer design thing, customization doesnt work as well in 2d.
tl;dr, only works in 3d
shawn nailed it on that one