Hey im new here, and i made a few sprites before i found this site (so i didnt look at the tutorials yet >_<)
i just want to know if they are good or slightly good, or not good, or ok, or completely crappy in every way, also if they are... whats wrong with them so i can fix them? thanx ahead of time!
now i know some of the basic problems with them, after looking at the tutorials, like the colour/shading limits, and yes i KNOW i forgot the outline on that whomp sprite, but it was my first one...
I like them, but that is just me

i was expecting everyone to say they are terrible....
I dun really like them myself
(03-25-2009, 10:42 PM)BlarghN'Rawr Wrote: [ -> ]thanx 
i was expecting everyone to say they are terrible....
I dun really like them myself
No, actually their pretty good.

Not downloading a .zip; upload them all to photobucket.com and then post [img] (your images link) [/img]. Minus the spaces.
you dont have to download it...
you simply have to press the open button instead of the download button...
i hate using photobucket...
too complicated working with two sites at once
Not opening it until you use some sore of image hosting site.
Why the fuck would you put them in a zip anyway?
Yeah, seriously. Imageshack it, Photobucket it, whatever, just don't put it in a zip |:
A zip, you've gotta be fucking joking.
i have never in my life seen people too lazy to open a .zip!
right now i am imagining all of you as fat people who spend every waking moment infront of a computer! (which you all probably are) every other forum on the net uses .zip folders to share files so either open it or dont i really dont care! but alot of people are less lazy than you are!
(03-26-2009, 11:13 AM)BlarghN'Rawr Wrote: [ -> ]bitchwhinemoan
Oh man I've had to use that joke twice in a span of two days what.
No. It's not that were lazy, it's just that we don't want to waste space on our computer to download your sprites, which are most likely shit.
We download zips for useful stuff, but this is by no means useful.
If we had to download sprites for everyone that made sprites, think of how much space that'd be?
If anything, YOU are the lazy one to upload them to a hosting site.
But rants aside, I downloaded your sprites.
None of them are in Mario and Luigi style. Not a single one. Most all of them are pillow shaded. The Giant Mr.L headis to round, Mr.L is just a Lazy ass Recolor.
tl;dr: You are a poor excuse for a sprite who complains over the smallest shit to use an image hosting site.
thanx thats all i was asking for, some critique!
and like i said before, there is an OPEN button next to the SAVE button which takes no space on the computer and is eisier because it opens a temperary folder
but whatever, everyone has their own way........
i KNOW they are terrible and that is why i posted them here! because this is one of the meanest forums i have ever come across. and i want to know whats wrong with them, not whats good about them! everywhere else people say "oh my god those are amazing!" and "wow i live them" and i hate it because i know they are terrible terrible sprites that need lots of fixing
I think these are stolen.
is it seriously so hard to upload stuff
i'll do it for you since DK thinks they're stolen
I'd like to see them for myself
was that really so hard to do