Yeah, I have a friend who has a farm, says the horses can't control when they poop, that's why you gotta give em a diaper...I'd hate to see what would happen if a horse avoided it, and was inches away from getting run over by an 18-wheeler. XP
Calleh Wrote:Try harder next time.
Also getting run over hurts.
Yet your the talk of the school next day.
Fuck yeah day long popularity.
Hehe. I haven't been the talk of school for a looooong time :p
Pigyman Wrote:If I were you I would have parked the car, grabbed a blunt object and ran after the kid. But that's just me.
I would have followed the cocky little bastard and bumped him.
Yeah and it doesn't matter If it was his faulth, If you would hit him they would blame you anyway....
do you not read post dates or something
holy shit