![[Image: WildThing4995497698-iaza.gif]](
i still think the art from that book looks stupid
but the pixels are very good
I honestly don't think there's any other book out there with better art than whats in Wild Things. Some people are just pussies.
Maurice Sendak is a genius.
I like them a lot, I really do.
Should I animate this one or make the rest of the characters?
Uh no?
Asking somebody to post in your topic is pretty stupid thing to do. Especially in another person's topic. How old are you really?
Do both man. I love this book so much, and your sprite is a pretty good homage to the art. Kudos.
wow... that's got to be one of the most true-to-the-book* sprites I've ever seen.
Needs more texture on the beardhair, right now it looks like a hood. The nostrils should also be more defined, a more bulbous nose than you have now.
(03-28-2009, 08:39 PM)mozzy Wrote: [ -> ]Uh no?
Asking somebody to post in your topic is pretty stupid thing to do. Especially in another person's topic. How old are you really?
Was it Caboose?
Anyway, when I read the topic I knew it would be you, and I knew what it would be, and it failed to disappoint =]
I absolutelyy cherish the book, and love these pixels, and the film soon to be out. I want a max sprite

The film is going to suck, don't kid yourself.
As for the book, I think it's something you need to be exposed to at a young age to appreciate, I myself - am not a fan.
Everything looks great on the sprite except maybe his noise is too long and seems to need more a nostril flare.
(03-29-2009, 12:58 AM)Fret Wrote: [ -> ] (03-28-2009, 08:39 PM)mozzy Wrote: [ -> ]Uh no?
Asking somebody to post in your topic is pretty stupid thing to do. Especially in another person's topic. How old are you really?
Was it Caboose?
Anyway, when I read the topic I knew it would be you, and I knew what it would be, and it failed to disappoint =]
How is the film going to suck? Not every adaptation is terrible you know.
I love that sprite Mozzy. I saw it t pixelation too. It's just plain awesome the awesomemest thing about it is the AA in the shirt it makes it look so awesome.
It needs to look 'furry' imo. Your sprite looks a bit too smooth.