What is the opinion of hosting sound effects? I feel that with enough work we could have an extensive selection of sounds on the site.
I'm looking for ways to expand tSR, and feel that a possible sounds section could be of some use to the users.
I've had no experience in ripping sounds from games before, so if anyone out there has had experience, it would be very cool if your help was provided.
We should just take the whole package, Sprites, sounds, programs, the works

SDB does that, and unlike OSTs, ripping sounds is INCREDIBLY niche as far as taking resources from games go. I'm all for the other game-related media (articles, editorials, podcasts etc.) creative properties that are a draw to the site beyond being just another resource.
I agree with Grooveman, don't even mess with sounds. Just include podcasts and the other stuff like that that was discussed in the Spamhaul topic.
Alright, I'll see what some more people think first though.
Yeah but that's the whole idea... We're a resource.
Let's not go MTV.
i agree with them (GrooveMan and Osiris). Podcasts and stuff would be cool and also something special. Other sites can have sounds, but only tSR would have those podcasts.
MFGG and SDB seem to have that area covered.
Yes but if we try to do something different from everyone else we're gonna lose sight of what we're all about.
I can just see us adding a podcast. Next thing you you know, we add videos, blogs, then before you know it we're no longer a Spriter's Resource we're a General Media Center.
We'd go from Spriter's Resource to GameMaker's Resource by doing that, Dazz :/
It would be REALLY awesome if we could supply videogame soundtracks but then we'd just turn into Galbadia Hotel, and despite the fact that traffic would be increasing tenfold so would server costs to host all the music ):
(03-30-2009, 11:24 AM)koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Yes but if we try to do something different from everyone else we're gonna lose sight of what we're all about.
I can just see us adding a podcast. Next thing you you know, we add videos, blogs, then before you know it we're no longer a Spriter's Resource we're a General Media Center.
There's this magical thing called
diversification in terms of internet property, it's a
good thing.
A resource that offers things that aren't part of the resource but is still related has absolutley no downside (aside from bandwith consumption) as long as the content is of decent quality. And it will be - I'm contributing. B)
I think that sound file collection (not necessarily music collection, mind you) is a good idea, but I'm gonna echo Grooveman.exe a bit: the bandwidth might be the biggest problem. Which is probably why I suggest a spin-off "splinter site", headed by the staff of TSR, but on a different server so that if one section collapses EVERYTHING is NOT LOST.
And yeah, getting the sound files is a bit more tedious than sprite collection IMO. There's no "Tile Molester"-like program that I know of that can do the same for SFX.
And none of that is taking BGMs into account. I think that if TSR is gonna go ahead with this "audio" direction, TSR should avoid the larger background musics... for a while, at least. Let the SFX stuff go for a while, then when the site/server/whatever you're gonna use to keep the files in place is calmed down and stable enough, then start bit by bit introducing the BGMs to the table.
That's my two cents, and that's my lecture for the day.
You should make a poll, and let that decide. It seems like people are kinda neutral to this.
While people seem to turn a blind eye toward sprite rips, music rips seem to get attacks with C&D orders pretty often.
Background Music isn't a good idea. To already done.
Sound Effects, however, would make some of the sprites more usable in games, and possibly spark some intrest in ripping from different kinds of games. Of course, they'd probably be in a minor section designed like Customs.