Apparently he did. He's gonna rack up a helluvalotta reports though.
Actually the criticism here is valid. And i wouldn't suggest that you try and run 4 projects at once anyway.
(05-03-2009, 03:33 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]Actually the criticism here is valid. And i wouldn't suggest that you try and run 4 projects at once anyway.
I agree that the critisism here is indeed valid, but it could be put in a less destructive manner.
And...I'm only running two. This and the ML Zelda Project, which doesn't seemt to be going that may die sooner or later.
the criticism in this particular thread is valid, but in the others it's really not
(05-03-2009, 02:16 PM)OSM Wrote: [ -> ]god
make it stop
(05-03-2009, 02:14 PM)OSM Wrote: [ -> ]jesus christ this looks horrible
really don't count as helpful comments
Yes, and I've dealt with that.
Well...I'm going to ignore this little incident...
And I won't change what i have now until more people agree with Shawn.
In other news, K0n9 has dropped the claim on Onox and is going to start on basic tilesets.
This is in need of bump.
And I'm going to contact Caboose about Ricky.
ah crap I forgot about this, I will try and work on that Ghini if I remember, I havn't sprited anything for weeks
This WILL NOT DIE HERE! Not on my watch!
![[Image: link-2.png]](
I went back and changed the outline. I've also played with the palette at the request of SGG. New's on the left, Old's on the right.
The green is much better now. I can't believe I never noticed how bad it was before.
All it takes is a side to side comparison...
Thanks. Now I need to revise Nayru and Din's sprites as well...

what about the Zol? Surely that will need a new green now
Indeed it will, along with it needing a new red.
I'll fix him after Dn and Nayru.
What? So when I'm not around, the thread's ignored?
Well...I'm almost done with Din and Nayru...though I still need to give Din her dancing sprites...
Actually, does anyone want to do that when I'm done? I don't know how to make a sprite dance.
well all she did in the old game was hold out her arms and spin. unless you want to make something new of course