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...A Pokemon Battle

Just made this when I was bored & because I've been playing Platinum A lot. I think it came out looking half-decent. And I know, the Pokeballs Red looks a little off:

[Image: team2w.gif]
For those who want to see The Original...For those who want to see the Pokemon Separately...

Basically, I'm just trying to mimic the part of the game where you name your rival, but doing it as sort of a 'Trainer Card' type of thing...I also used this as part of my 'Color Restrictions Training' so I could learn to follow styles better

Oh, and I couldn't really decide on my last 3 Pokemon, but I usually randomize them, as I had a box full of 'extra' teammates in my Diamond game...

I'll Eventually make it more like a Trainer Card, and add my Friend Code & stuff, but right now, I'm more focused on what everyone thinks of the Trainer & Pokeballs

C+C is appreciated
Pretty cool. I thought the Charizard was an Aerodactyl at first.
looks really good so far, neck seems to short
(04-05-2009, 10:57 AM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]Pretty cool. I thought the Charizard was an Aerodactyl at first.

Hmm...Weird, it's the same Charizard from my I have to remake him again? haha
(04-05-2009, 10:58 AM)DanKen Wrote: [ -> ]looks really good so far, neck seems to short

Neck might be a pixel or two short, I'll fix it

Thanks for the comments!
Nah, it's just the color.
Sorry for the necro-post, but I added more to it