One more thing, can anyone guess what the colors of the Yoshi's in Team Yoshi are? (You will get a special cameo in the comic)
Winner: Pikmin Master
Answer: Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink, Black, and Brown.
In order to A. attract more members and B. keep current ones coming back more frequently, I've started a weekly-ish web comic. I hope you enjoy this series as the story unravels.
#001-The Incredible Inedible Egg
Holy crap, a Yoshi comic? Let's pray to God this gets past issue 2...
#002-Illuminating the Situation
More than the standard 4 frames, which explains the lateness. Hopefully this will slowly…*snicker*…illuminate…the mystery around the series… I’m funny, damnit.
#003-A BWAA! in the Night
Worst. Alarm Clock. Ever.
#004-Explosive Ex's
This plot development was probably thanks to a lot of alcohol. Also, Kaboom in memory of Billy Mays.
Newest Issue:
Quote:This plot development was probably thanks to a lot of alcohol. Also, Kaboom in memory of Billy Mays. 
Metal Mario is a simple short strip series that will occasionally appear with Team Yoshi. The story is simple: Mario's gone Metal and he can't change back. Watch him save the Mushroom Kingdom like never before.
Bowser: Round 1
King Bob-Omb
Bowser: Round 2
Newest Issue:
TYFN Exclusive: How Its Made
What E3 Should Have Been
a long time ago i was a yoshi
being the inane yoshi maniac i used to be i cannot find anything vaguely humorous about this comic
but they made a giant egg and spent the entire comic saying essentially nothing
my suggestion: see if you can find a crayon brush for photoshop, so the backgrounds feel yoshi-perfect (i.e. yoshi's island) but other than that, this comic looks damn nice
i'm sure the next comic will be getting somewhere into the plot so
gj o/
Can't say much about it. it looks nice, but take Kosheh's idea for coloring it would be worth some consideration.
Haha, yeah, I was gonna stick a disclaimer but I figure that wouldn't look good for the first post, but now I can say it.
This one was really more to try out the style more than anything else. But I do like it and I wanna stick with it. I mean, the egg does play a role, but its explained better in the next ones. I have big plans for this comic, the style is sort of a strip comic with a continous plot and a few deviations, its an adventure/comedy/tads of drama. I'm actually going to build the characters.
My goal was "not another Yoshi comic"
but thanks for the c+c
By the way, is this in anyway gonna involve Team Fortress....?
"YOUR wasting your time!"
Improve your grammar.
(04-06-2009, 09:51 AM)Geo the Fox Wrote: [ -> ]By the way, is this in anyway gonna involve Team Fortress....?
Haha, well the comic is gonna have lots of video game references in general, but as of now, the only Team Fortress ref is that the thing coming out of the yoshi egg is a sentry gun.
Oh, and thanks, Vipershark, didn't catch that one. I'll make sure to change it. o:
Could be good, but I don't know. Then again, no one listens to the new guy.
New issue. It's actually a little side comic that occasionally shows up with the series, Metal Mario. New Team Yoshi'll be done by Wednsday, I swear, it's a biggun, 12 frames.
I don't ge- OH!
made me smile
I wouldnt know if it was good, Koshehs idea could be good Otherwise. You shouldnt ask me about it

(even though you didnt (that was sneaky eh?)

Quote:One more thing, can anyone guess what the colors of the Yoshi's in Team Yoshi are? (You will get a special cameo in the comic)
first, we have to know how many yoshis are on team yoshi.
i'm guessing 5
green, pink, light blue, yellow and black
green because he's the protagonist [he'll probably be scout or soldier?]
black will probably be the demoman (biggest egg explosions, and he's black) or the heavy (because black yoshi and white were the best two in Yoshi's Story)
pink will be the medic
light blue is the engineer
yellow will probably be the spy [due to class popularity]?
supporting characters will include red, dark blue, and white
However you're probably going with 8 characters (because 16 player games on XBOX?) - Light Blue, Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, Pink, Black, and White. If you don't feel like yoshi godmods swap the last two out with purple and orange.
i don't even know TF2 and i'm naming all these classes for yoshis fuck
^^^^ basically just guessed every color
For some reason, i think Blue, Green, Pink, Black, and Yellow.
Well I like the illustrations though I find it kinda weird to see Yoshis with mechanical skills.

New one up, phew. Took me so long to make. Thanks for waiting guys, I shan't not disappoint.