![[Image: Fakemon1.png]](http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s268/mozzymuradyasin/Fakemon1.png)
Made up polar bear cub Pokemon, yellow version style. (IMO Yellow version had the best style out of any pokemon game so far.) Before you baw about the AA, Yellow version AA'd the pokemon to the white background.
It's air filled tail is always wound up in a tight ball to keep it afloat in the icy waters of the arctic.
Aww, it kinda reminds me of a fluffy Growlithe. Very cute, Moz.
Looks like a real pokemon.
looks kinda like a mix of a Growlithe and a Teddiursa (both awesome Pokemon, btw)
I give it an 11/10 in style points.
However, it lost 89 because of the name. Make it something sounding more "Japanese translated to English"-ish.
What. Why?
Not every pokemon is like that, I can only think of like 5.
Well, name aside, it's still an awesome sprite from an awesome game in an awesome style.
Still rough, unfinished. Posting this now cause I'm gonna be kind of busy.
Shamahana (Shaman (medicine man)/Hana, Japanese for flower)
Shamahana lurks in the deepest forest, wreaking havoc on those with evil aspirations, but help people who are kind by guiding them and concocting herbal medicines.
Nice sprites. the Type Combination is pretty cool too.