A thing I'm working on, as you can see Solitaire inspired me on this one. I'll use his palette. Please do suggest anything or crit it.
Haha, looks pretty cool right now.
Should I keep the black lines or make them a lighter shade? Did I capture the emotion from Soliataire's PA?
Ryu wears a gi, so there needs to be a lot more chest showing, unless you're trying to give him a really small upper body or something. xP
I like this! Work on it some more, buster!
(04-13-2009, 05:44 PM)Chris2Balls Wrote: [ -> ]Should I keep the black lines or make them a lighter shade? Did I capture the emotion from Soliataire's PA?
Shade it first, then I'd be able to tell you. It looks pretty spot-on though.
Also what she said. I so didn't even pick up on that haha
(04-13-2009, 10:42 PM)Hinako Yoshitora Wrote: [ -> ]Ryu wears a gi, so there needs to be a lot more chest showing, unless you're trying to give him a really small upper body or something. xP
I like this! Work on it some more, buster!
Thanks for pointing it out, I completely forgot
Quickly set shading out, hasn't been polished yet cos I'm tight on time.
can't wait to see this finished
Chest looks a bit funny, but that is awesome!
mini update
Didn't work a lot on it as I was in a different country this week.