A thing I'm working on, as you can see Solitaire inspired me on this one. I'll use his palette. Please do suggest anything or crit it.
![[Image: ryuw.png]](http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/1819/ryuw.png)
Haha, looks pretty cool right now.
Should I keep the black lines or make them a lighter shade? Did I capture the emotion from Soliataire's PA?
Ryu wears a gi, so there needs to be a lot more chest showing, unless you're trying to give him a really small upper body or something. xP
I like this! Work on it some more, buster!

(04-13-2009, 05:44 PM)Chris2Balls Wrote: [ -> ]Should I keep the black lines or make them a lighter shade? Did I capture the emotion from Soliataire's PA?
Shade it first, then I'd be able to tell you. It looks pretty spot-on though.
Also what she said. I so didn't even pick up on that haha
(04-13-2009, 10:42 PM)Hinako Yoshitora Wrote: [ -> ]Ryu wears a gi, so there needs to be a lot more chest showing, unless you're trying to give him a really small upper body or something. xP
I like this! Work on it some more, buster! 
Thanks for pointing it out, I completely forgot
![[Image: ryuh.png]](http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/3548/ryuh.png)
Quickly set shading out, hasn't been polished yet cos I'm tight on time.
can't wait to see this finished
Chest looks a bit funny, but that is awesome!
![[Image: ryuj.png]](http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/778/ryuj.png)
mini update
Didn't work a lot on it as I was in a different country this week.