Very stretched and distorted...
Done, I've replaced the old one with new one
There's really not very many poses - you sure that's all of them?
I've added Zack and yes these are the whole entire sprite for the characters. Harvest Moon is a simple farming game so only the main character have a lot of poses while the town resident have less.
I'm going to download the original PSX Harvest Moon, since I used to own it as a kid, and loved it. Might start ripping from it.
When you meant original, You meant the boy version right?
Yeah, Back to Nature I think it was called.
Sheep, Carter and Gray has been added
Can you try and cut down on all of the empty space?
Also, are you using Vram to rip these?
ok i"ll cut down the empty spaces and yeah, I'm using Vram
Awesome, well once you cut down the space I'll accept them.

done i cut down the empty spaces and also added May and some sprite for Gotz
i think you missed a face of was the sad face i think...
Great job! I'll save these now

Mind making a section tag? I don't own the game, so even just a nice screenshot would be handy