man it's like i'm on antagonist inc. on AOL again jesus christ.
also sony needs to get their insults right
DSi isn't for kids, it's for girls. why else would a guy need his DS for music and photos. girls love taking pix [of their boobs] and putting them on their myspace yeeeaaaah.
however, sony's being pretty hypocritical because oh man, they're so big and bad
Quote:Games such as Rock Band Unplugged from MTV Games
a PS game that's pretty much a port of a popular franchise and doesn't use any instruments. hmm
Quote:Assassin's Creed from Ubisoft
Quote:Dissidia Final Fantasy from Square Enix
an original game. nice.
Quote: and Hannah Montana from Disney
multiplatform release. 4 Hannah Montana games exist on the DS, this is no excuse to be talking about winning over the tweengirl demographic.
Quote:demonstrate the commitment that publishers have to the PSP
the commitment to rehash the same product on their consoles onto their handhelds?
Quote:From our own first-party studios, we're launching unique versions of LittleBigPlanet
this is a fancy way of saying "a watered-down port"
Quote:and MotorStorm
PS3 game with Wii resolution
Quote:and we're also planning a steady stream of downloadable games -- both new titles
if rockband unplugged and assassin's creed are considered "new games", expect "ports"
Quote:and PSone classics to add to the content that PSP owners can already purchase wirelessly through PlayStation Store.
man this press statement really puts the PORT in PlayStation PORTable
I mean, the DS has New SMB and Yoshi's Island DS, Starfox Command and MarioKart DS, but they're not ports; they're entirely new games that makes innovative use of the touch screen. The PSP has some good original titles, like PataPon and Loco Roco and the support of good franchises, like Namco Bandai's Katamari, but yeah
Sony's really not in a position to be issuing this kinda statement :/
The PSP's a man's console, which is something I like - and their systems really aren't just a toy, they're made to serve as a multipurpose entertainment system (great for japanese shut-in otaku); however the high price and flaws on account of poor design really take a toll on the console
However its library of fighters make it almost worth the purchase alone