the only ads i seem to be getting are for The Spirit and Crank
Crank, when not big has flashing F*CK SH#T @$$ trying to be clever and when it's not doing that it expands into this vidyo file mostly without me clicking it, with a trailer playing.
The Spirit does the same trailery thing and like 3 options for scenes and soem other annoying shit but the point is
these ads are irritating
dazz you need to get less obnoxious adverts
I just get the Maple Story and swordy one. With no problems...
I agree with Kosh, but I'm not sure how much control Dazz has over this....
Oh, and I have an adblocker at home so I'm fine. Or I'll get the gaming ones, but only in Spamhaul.
But yeah, I believe Dazz can tell the advertisement sponsors to remove those two from the advertisement queue due to complaints from user traffic
I also only maple story and this ad about nut shots.
They never cause any problem or pop-up.
Do they differ by region?
I used to see these ads for this wierd ass game where this Harry Potter kid evolves into a fire beast...
Seriously! Did anyone ever see that?
Not long ago I got some ads that disrupted the loading of the forum, it was really annoying. After it started loading the ad, the rest of the page would stop. I had to clean the cache and retry many times until I got a different ad.
Strange - the ads shouldn't load their video automatically. I never would accept that.
But I have had those same ads as Kosh, but never had that happen...
i sometimes get some Death Note ad that is so fucking stupid that it opens in the same tab.
i hate it when that happens. Ads should always open in a new tab, not in the same.

The ads enlarge themselves for me and I have to manually close them before I'm able to do anything else on the site.
Actually, I accidently clicked on the ad when I clicked on this thread because it made itself larger just as I clicked on the topic
Right, so I've spoken with my advertising team and they're telling me that it's most likely an IE7 issue. I have the opposite problem where the videos and scroll outs DON'T appear, since I'm using Firefox.
My advice?
Firefox. Or some other browser. Just stop using IE, since it sucks balls.
Not really much of a solution just telling people to use a certain browser, specially such a popular one. Even if it does suck.
Well what else do you want me to say? Stop browsing tSR?
No, you should say something more along the lines of "get Opera."
I've never encountered any of these errors you people keep whining about.
Guess which browser I'm using? (Hint: It's not IE, Opera or Safari.)