go with one of those horrible n64 figthing games like war of gods or mace 64(or the other one who i cant remember right now who was fought on a platform). or Battle Arena Toshinden series.
(04-21-2009, 03:11 PM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]Hey uhh... You know Tekken, Soul Calibur and Rival Schools have all got official sprites for them, right?
Namco X Capcom and Tekken Card Tournament...
None of those games are fighting games, though. The only actual "sprites" of any of those games in fighting style is Kyosuke's appearance in Capcom vs SNK 2 and his super when Batsu and Hinata help beat up on whoever gets fucked by his max super.
EDIT: Also quit talking about alts in every topic we post in together, it's getting unbelievably fucking annoying.
Here's my entry~
It's Rain (Plasma Sword) in a Street Fighter-inspired style.
Where's yours? >: D
My entry is going to be late. Give me until Saturday. I'm really busy |:
(04-22-2009, 12:21 AM)Hinako Yoshitora Wrote: [ -> ]Here's my entry~
![[Image: rainstreetfighter.gif]](
It's Rain (Plasma Sword) in a Street Fighter-inspired style.
Where's yours? >: D
Awesome, a Job done well lets see if it can get toped.
I think I might have to forefeit, it's Saturday and I still haven't started anything.
Aww, don't do thaaaaaat.
I'll just give you as much time as you need