The shading is still far too square. Wings are a bit better.
Wings are awesome, but something's wrong, the form.. it's too cubic

iT styles shading is smoother. This would fit more in the original M&L style. Which had more jumps in shades such as this.
At least from what I've seen in the style.
Yes, I agree. But then the Goonie would actually have to be white, not blue. Otherwise he looks too much like the Stork.
If he HAS to white, I have ried the pallette on him before and it looks nots so great.
? Um, speak-a Engrish, pleasing?
I think what you're trying to say is that you've already tried to use a whiter palette before, and it doesn't look good.
To which I say, tweak the palette until you get a good combination. Use the
Yoshi's Island sprites and the M&L

S palette to find the best possible fit.
This is not ML SS, and they have different pallettes...
BTW I am bad at grammar and phrasing sentences...
Oops! Forgot. Dang.
Still, at least you'd have a basic look on how it'd go. Then just tweak the colors so that they're a bit... um... How do you put it... Well, make it look more PiT in the colors.
One idea you can consider is using a PiT sprite that uses a lot of white and using the colors from that.
Guardian Shroob??
Most of the white sprites only AA. Or well, thats what it looks like to me.
Try referring to the YIDS version to help you make a side flying.
Basically, get anything even slightly resembling your "target" and put them all together on one sheet. Then use them all to form your sprites, recolor them, and then tweak them to fit the style. It may take a lot of work, but you can do it!
Listen, I have tried many combinations of each white/blue enemy and none of them turn out right... Should I make a NEW custom pallette??
Hmm... If at first you don't succeed, do it yourself. That's a good idea!