I got a new ava and sig built for postin' it up.
But who cares? I wish I did, but I'm just not here for that bro
I'm just sayin' hi. so here's my first post.
fo sho.
(04-26-2009, 04:05 AM)Osiris Wrote: [ -> ]Wrong forum.
Sup anyway.
oh oops, Where would a "hi topic" go? I woulda thought spam board but... I kinda like to pretend I'm worth more then that :v
Anyways if a mod 'round here's got a cool place to move this then I've got no objections (not like I get a choice),
Still kinda new to this board's new system, s'been wut, 2 or 3 pt's since I last came here?
*and I'm juuust now noticing the new arrivals board.
oops :v
(04-26-2009, 04:57 AM)Chris2Balls Wrote: [ -> ]Hey man! Welcome back!
sweet someone remembers me!
I gotta quote every post itt so I can build up my post-count to be big and strong

King Mecha has returned!
Feel the overpowerment of his greatness!
(04-26-2009, 05:21 PM)Star/Starpower Wrote: [ -> ]King Mecha has returned!
Feel the overpowerment of his greatness!
oh please

one of the reasons I came here is cause you guys are liek super-godly at spriting now! I've got alotta learnin to look forward to. :
It's odd to be around here. In some ways nothings changed, but in others, everything is different.