Not sure if this is already in the works or not, but Icons for the Custom Sections...Or at least make them more noticeable in the search...
We aren't going to make section tags for custom series.
The sprites have icons for their sheets.
Yeah, but the custom series having no icon really look bad among all those game icons when found over the search function...
You can just use the icons already existing to the original games

I support the combining of some of the Sega consoles.
(02-09-2009, 06:59 AM)Previous Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, but the custom series having no icon really look bad among all those game icons when found over the search function...
I agree somewhat. That list is very... Squished. Well, there's gotta be something else we can do? How about you break up the list by companies? The list would still be all on one page. The Customs page would look like this:
Nintendo | Sega | Capcom | Hudson | Konami | Namco | SquareEnix | Other
Animal Crossing Series
Balloon Fighter Series
Donkey Kong Series
F-Zero Series
Fire Emblem Series
Golden Sun Series
Ice Climbers
Kirby Series
Legend of Stafy Series
Magical Vacation Series
Mario Series
Metroid Series
Mother Series
Pikmin Series
Pokémon Series
Star Fox Series
Super Smash Bros. Series
Wario Series
Zelda Series
Billy Hatcher
NiGHTS Series
Project Rub Series
Skies of Arcadia Series
Sonic Series
Dark Stalkers Series
Devil May Cry Series
Mega Man Series
Viewtiful Joe Series
Bomberman Series
Castlevania Series
Death Jr. Series
Metal Gear Solid Series
Baten Kaitos Series
Klonoa Series
Pac-Man Series
Soul Calibur Series
Tales Of Series
Chrono Trigger Series
Dragon Warrior Series
Final Fantasy Series
Kingdom Hearts Series
Bubble Bobble Series
Cowboy Bebop
Disney Series
Dragon Ball Z Series
Ghost Busters Series
Guilty Gear Series
Halo Series
Kamen Rider Series
One Piece
Perfect Dark Series
Pirates of the Caribbean Series
Prince of Tennis
Rayman Series
Spider-Man Series
Tetris Series
Hmm? I thought that would look nicer. May be easier to find things too.
Looks good, Koopaul. A simple search could help someone find what they're looking for, but a setup like that will make it less intimidating.
All I'm gonna say.
There is no Mario or Luigi rips for NSMB on TSR but somebody ( ) has sprites for them... Somebody probably should rip them or ask if they can put them on TSR or something.
(02-20-2009, 01:07 PM)Quizzle Wrote: [ -> ]There is no Mario or Luigi rips for NSMB on TSR but somebody ( ) has sprites for them... Somebody probably should rip them or ask if they can put them on TSR or something.
Last time this came up, they said that it uses models instead of sprites so you can't get all the poses (as a model can have more or less infinite poses). While there are "rips" about on other places, none of them are complete. There were a few models submitted in the past but they were fixed direction or something, not quite sure on the details.
It was decided that anything from NSMB's levels in-game is submittable since NSMB uses a 2D moving camera in the levels. The only parts of the main-game that may not be submittable are the overworld maps as they are pure 3D (though any sprites and tiles from them can be submitted) and when Mario/Luigi celebrate clearing a stage (the camera zooms in and out after the flag is raised).
And people haven't submitted the submittable sprites.
That sounds like an indirect request, Quizzle. If you need something from a game, you'll have to get it yourself.
(02-18-2009, 09:01 AM)Lemon Wrote: [ -> ]TSR PODCAST!!!
All I'm gonna say.
Hey, didn't TSR have a radio thing going on before. I forgot the details, but it was pretty interesting to some people. Why not bring that back?