GrooveMan.exe Wrote:Sol, the postdate is below the avatar here.
Oh, wow, hahaha. I didn't even see it, thanks.
We might need more cowbell as well.

Sorry if it was already mentioned but a log in bar on the top (like the one on Pt) would be convenient?
My suggestion: Add a "Mark as Read" function to the "View New Posts" & "View Today's Posts" modes. Like what PT has.
It's also useful to some people, with the fact a lot of people have similar names the joined time helps differentiate a bit better and helps people remember, there's also the fact that the group is something people should have. [After all, when a Mod or an Admin is talking to you, you should know]
I have a suggestion, inbuilt spell checker? This would help younger / people whos first language isn't English, as with more people joining I expect we will see people that have poor spelling, it takes away the excuse that they don't have one in their browser.
why is the default topics per page amount so small?
I can't change it either
ctrl+z please, can't live without it...
mozzy Wrote:Also I see no Fangames subforums, I think it would be best as a sprite discussion subforum in my opinion.
mozzy Wrote:why is the default topics per page amount so small?
I can't change it either
User CP > Edit Options > Forum Display Options
Dazz, you should add this to the main site:
RSS feed for all tSR updates. Handy if you want to stay informed without actually having to come to tSR or it's board.
Is there a warn system added?
And if there is, can we see our own warns?
Not a suggestion for a feature but a suggestion non the less, can the light blue bg of the logo to something else, it looks too weird against the logo colours and I am not even sure what game its from, maybe something more recognisable.
Well its an opinion, but yeah I never really liked it, I would prefer something that relates more to the site, its just a sky.
Small suggestions that could be useful:
- a spoiler tag;
[SPOILER]spoiler here[/SPOILER]
And not the one that PT uses (highlight to read), but more like the one Sprites INC uses (one box you have to click to expand to see the spoiler).
- a sheet tag;
would result in
[SHEET="" TEXT]title[/SHEET]
would result in something like:
[url=""]title[/url] - [url=""]icon[/url]
(obviously, the .png-extension could be anything)
This could promote people to name their sheets and icons correctly.
(and makes it easier for people who keep all their submissions in one post, like me)
EDIT: fixed -icon to be _icon
I don't like the [sheet]-tag idea. What about the people who upload
their sheets on imageshack or another filehoster which manipulates
name and adress?
Or if you simply write _icon instead of -icon?
Is there really somebody who is too lazy to type ins some additional