Quote:Or if you simply write _icon instead of -icon?
Whoops, it should have been _icon, but the idea is the same nonetheless.
Quote:I don't like the [sheet]-tag idea. What about the people who upload
their sheets on imageshack or another filehoster which manipulates
name and adress?
Is there really somebody who is too lazy to type ins some additional
I can understand these arguments against it, but it's just a suggestion ;]
If possible, maybe something like
[SHEET="http://www.site.com/dir/sheet.png" ICON="http://www.site2.com/dir2/sheeticon.gif"]title[/SHEET]
would solve the first problem.
This Forum is acting like a piece of crap.
Every time I try to enter a Forum or Thread, I'm being forced to wait up to a minute for it to load.
But strangely enough, when I hit the Back Button and THEN Hit the Forward Button, the Page I'm trying to get to instantly loads within one second.
It's as if this Forum is messing with everyone on purpose.
... Thats not a suggestion nor do you understand how the internet works.
Basically you are going back to a snap shot of what it was, then forward to what it was. Nothing is updated, so if you went back, someone posted and then went forward it wouldn't show until you refresh. Nothing the forum can do. Also I suppose it is using the same server as the site which could be why it is running slow for some?
I say you should have a background color change function, y'know, like change the sking of the site's background if you get tired of staring at a beige/red/white background for your entire TsR visit, in my opinion. Also, I think we should try to rip more sprites, the website is starting to seem like it's dying whenever no one updates for too long.
Barubary Wrote:If possible, maybe something like
[SHEET="http://www.site.com/dir/sheet.png" ICON="http://www.site2.com/dir2/sheeticon.gif"]title[/SHEET]
would solve the first problem.
Okay, that's a good idea... fact is, I AM kinda lazy. xD
Maybe a topic in the submissions board, where you can post links to topics you have that nobody has looked at yet?
i would love to see a what needs to be rip topic again :]
A place where post-count doesn't go up, so that a random images topic (instead of a funny images topic, so that half of all good pictures don't go to waste) won't result in an uprise of post counts, making some look like spammers.
Personally, does post count even matter any more, I saw just get rid of it. I usually have a lower post count because I take my time to think, will this post be crap. I don't see how that makes me any less of a member than the a person with 50 posts.
Good point, actually. But I also think that join date should also be eliminated in some way, since people also use the "but I signed up earlier" card a bit too often. Not just on this board, on any board.
Maybe a dark skin

a rating system would be good and maybe music and sounds, I know that kinda means you have to change the name because it's not only sprites on here, but I can't draw for shit, so I'm kinda usless for making sprites on this webpage
So lets all make the site based off of your talents...
EDIT: and if you can't MAKE sprites then why don't you RIP them?
Also your rating system is a good idea, and like there could be a top rated page where all of the best rated sheets get shown, it would be good for someone who didn't know what they were looking for.
Hmm not sure, after all, this really only makes sense if they are custom, and really I think people have a general idea of what they would be looking for. A search feature would be handy but I belive it can't be implimented into the current system?