Does the Modern Genesis Sonic Project section still need to exist?
It hasn't gotten any posts in like, nearly a year.
Maybe it's time to move it to the archives?
I have a forum section suggestion I'm not sure if that was already made or not but...
Can we have a Modeling and Texturing section for people who make their own models and textures?
I know there's a Creativity section but since tSR has expanded to ripping models and textures I see why not.
I'm actually getting into modeling it would be nice to build up on my ability to make models here
That is already covered, my friend.
For models, you can go there:
Model Discussion
Just as stated in that forums description: "
Show off some of your own creations for the world to see! Note: Posting ripped models is only suggested if you do not plan on submitting it, or it is unfinished."

Maybe you could add a introduction fourm for new users like me?
I suggest to give letters without games (concerns model, sound & texture resource) another colour like the spriters resource (in this case: grey).
nope, for example the letter L has no games but has the same colour as the other ones:
(02-15-2011, 07:40 AM)Davy Jones Wrote: [ -> ]nope, for example the letter L has no games but has the same colour as the other ones:
![[Image: snag0573.png]](
I know that happens if you have NoScript enabled on the website. Is that how it is on your computer?
I think we should have a Birthday sub-forum, so that way, General Discussion won't be filled up with birthday topics.
(02-15-2011, 01:28 PM)Random Talking Bush Wrote: [ -> ] (02-15-2011, 07:40 AM)Davy Jones Wrote: [ -> ]nope, for example the letter L has no games but has the same colour as the other ones:
![[Image: snag0573.png]](
I know that happens if you have NoScript enabled on the website. Is that how it is on your computer?
That's it, now it works fine. Thank you =)
browse uploading images. then people can upload without putting files another place first.
Hm, how about we have a section for Video Game Artwork? I know there's already Creative Uncut but it's forums are nigh dead and very rarely do they have any artwork I'm actually looking for. (Like Edgar Ektor from the Aero series!) Anyway, I thought it would be a cool addition to the site as to have high-res artworks (and none of that logo poppycock like almost every other gaming site does! i.e. IGN)
Why not have a preview feature for ZIP/RAR File Downloads on the site. Take this section for example:
It's pretty hard to tell what's in the download other than looking at the icon of course. The preview of the download could just include 1 or 2 poses so that people can get an idea of what's in it.