If you want a smaller signature you can just do it by yourself, can't you? Or do you mean you want to restrict all signatures to a certain size?
Nah, I think users just need to remember that they shouldn't have bigger sigs then 640x480 although thats fcking big.
(05-10-2012, 09:01 AM)thegameexplorer Wrote: [ -> ]Ability to remove polls from your own thread.
Out of interest; Why would you want to remove a poll you've created from a thread? Surely it would take away some of the point of the thread being created in the first place? (Just wondering your rationale on this, not criticising or anything!)
Well, Meta deleted a poll from one of BlueBlur's threads, while leaving the thread intact. Maybe you want to remove a no longer necessary/valid poll while still keeping the discussion? It'd also be handy if you accidentally make a poll (if that's possible).
For example, you have a thread about the game, and almost everyone has voted about it and they are only discussing about it, the need for the poll would be gone.
The purpose of a forum, over something like a chat room though, is that these discussions are archived and always available. Removing a poll that was created to start a discussion simply because everyone involved in teh discussion has already voted doesn't seem like it would be a necessary feature.
Hey, how about adding Google+ to the Social Sites? I personally don't use it (at least not yet), but I'm sure there are a few people here who do and would probably like to add it to their profile.
This is a somewhat small suggestion, but being able to thank posts in the mobile version would be nice.
Well I don't see such option. Please enlighten me.
oop, looks like it got removed when the skin got reinstalled
kosheh is working on modifying it, so i'm sure it'll be back.
it was there before, so
May sound totally stupid, but an option to set an urgenty of a post.
(05-21-2012, 02:26 PM)thegameexplorer Wrote: [ -> ]May sound totally stupid, but an option to set an urgenty of a post.
There already is an option to do that.
...It's just only moderators can use it.

Hey guys, I have a rather HUGE suggestion, but read me out, okay...
I've been browsing the internet ever since I got my first PC, and I noticed the lack of VG music on the net. Sure, there's a website called
VG music, but most music on there is in LQ, and the only OST's I can find are sonic related. So, what I'm trying to say is, what If you guys make a section dedicated to music rips? "The Music Resource"? We could rip music tracks from games and post 'em here.

Wow, what a unique idea! There's no website for downloading illegally distributed music!
Seriously, games companies sell their soundtracks - we aren't going to help commit piracy, that isn't what we seek to do. We're here to educate people and for people to appreciate artwork. No games company has sold their sprites for people to look at, so we do it for free. Consider it like distributing screenshots.
As soon as you release lossless soundtracks, you're getting into a million dollar industry that would be more than happy to sue us for distributing their sold products.