What if we did something like this? Add relevant tags to the bottom of the sheets, and then use those tags to randomly generate related relevant sheets? It could more easily help people find what they need.
Clearly I'm no web designer, so consider this a rough estimate of the concept.
Haven't we already discussed (and, if I remember correctly, agreed on) adding tags? Or is this just a suggestion for how they would appear and what use they would have? If it's the latter, I do like the idea of showing related sheets and it shouldn't be terribly difficult to set up.
Tags, yes. But the related sheets is a little extension of that idea.
Everyone would kinda have to help with tagging allllllll 48,000+ sheets though. <:D
Oh, I thought maybe you could do that all by yourself? :>
Yeah you're right I could... no sense in being lazy I guess!!

I have no problem tagging. Gives me something to do when I'm bored. It would take some time, but it'd be fun.
We'll implement a system in the new site when it's finished, but it won't be ready at launch.
(10-28-2012, 11:56 AM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]I have no problem tagging. Gives me something to do when I'm bored. It would take some time, but it'd be fun.
I wouldn't mind either. I mean of course I'm not an uploader or a mod or anything but I mean I'd be up for it if you needed some help, especially with games I've ripped from and played.
Id like to help too if I can, though I have no knowledge in coding :X
Well I figure it'd more or less just involve typing in text into boxes rather than coding.

(10-28-2012, 05:57 PM)Mighty Jetaku Wrote: [ -> ]Well I figure it'd more or less just involve typing in text into boxes rather than coding. 
Indeed - the actual process of tagging will just be text-based. The coding half will be making that text entry possible.
there is also the facct that we have to connect one sheet to another, which could take a while to get all the possibilities.
Im still willing to help

That won't be manual. The suggestion was to use the tags to suggest other sheets, at random. So, if you had a sheet tagged "Mario", it might suggest 5 other random "Mario" sheets as well - no manual linking required.
Just had a brilliant idea, can you put something more even more obnoxious underneath ads? Like goatse or picture of bobby kotick, to discourage ad blocking?