Skype as a form of contact? x]
Or visitor messages. These are like "quick" messages for other users so it can be a primary form of communication, as private messages are meant for privacy. Not all the time do people want to keep a conversation private, and it's a way to meet new users and/or friends.
We have an IRC channel.
Adding a shoutbox system would pretty much be that one's grave. :'(
Delete your locked topic Bob’s Game Demo 1 Custom Font from the Nintendo DS submissions forum as well as your other locked topic in the BetaArchive forum.
This topic has been deleted.
Meet Taewong in IRC of GBAtemp.
We have nothing to do with betaArchive, you may want to talk to them instead.
Concerning your topic here, I told you I'm not willing to cooperate if you keep sounding so demanding. If you had asked for it, that'd have one thing, but this way doesn't work well with me. I'll let another mod decide~
He wants us to delete his topic. I'm cool with that.
And you have to unban him from GBATemp. He has nothing to do with suggestions. Now you want to create a Russian version of M&L RPG. There are no Cyrillic characters in the ROM; so you might enable all forums in the Yoshi Lighthouse account.
... Ok now I'm just confused... We aren't GBATemp. We aren't Yoshi Lighthouse... What the hell are you talking about?
I'm quite sure he's using a translator or some thing that mangles his text.
If it means anything, I checked Yoshi's Lighthouse and it has Tae under the "Intelligent Spambot" group but not under "Banned." GBATemp has him listed as a Spambot although I don't know if he or somone else put it there.
Point is, he doesn't seem to leave a positive impression of himself anywhere. Especially since this "translator" (if it is that and he's not trying to sound like a troll) he uses makes his posts read like commands
Oh, and in GBATemp, it says “Banned”. Where is the IRC channel of GBATemp? Your Yoshi’s Lighthouse account says “Intelligent Spambot”, and you have access to the “Forum Games” subforum only. OK, here is the list of wikis and forums that TaeWong has been found.
Anime News Network (Forum)
Fungi Forums
Golden Sun Hacking Community
Nexus Forums, The
Secret Maryo Chronicles (unbanned)
Yoshi’s Lighthouse
(11-22-2012, 12:13 PM)Tae Wong Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, and in GBATemp, it says “Banned”. Where is the IRC channel of GBATemp? Your Yoshi’s Lighthouse account says “Intelligent Spambot”, and you have access to the “Forum Games” subforum only. OK, here is the list of wikis and forums that TaeWong has been found.
Anime News Network (Forum)
Fungi Forums
Golden Sun Hacking Community
Nexus Forums, The
Secret Maryo Chronicles (unbanned)
Yoshi’s Lighthouse
I can't stop laughing, what is this bullshit?
*cough* spambot *cough*
Still enjoyable though... Maybe he and ZeldaExpert should meet up sometime...
(11-22-2012, 10:51 AM)Deathbringer Wrote: [ -> ]If it means anything, I checked Yoshi's Lighthouse and it has Tae under the "Intelligent Spambot" group but not under "Banned." GBATemp has him listed as a Spambot although I don't know if he or somone else put it there.
Yes, you are a spam-bot in GBATemp on the Banned group.
(11-22-2012, 07:35 PM)Tae Wong Wrote: [ -> ] (11-22-2012, 10:51 AM)Deathbringer Wrote: [ -> ]If it means anything, I checked Yoshi's Lighthouse and it has Tae under the "Intelligent Spambot" group but not under "Banned." GBATemp has him listed as a Spambot although I don't know if he or somone else put it there.
Yes, you are a spam-bot in GBATemp on the Banned group.
Jeez, you sound like a kid trying to make a lame comeback, just restating what was said to you before. Either way, you're gone. Not by my hammer, though.
but he was funny!!