Got a suggestion for either the site or the message board? Post your idea here, and who knows, we might just pick it up, if you're lucky!
I'm not really sure if this would be a suggestion or what, but can anything be done about the speed? The board seems to be going a lot slower for me then Pixeltendo or other forums.
It'll be running slow during the initial movement of everyone signing up. It'll speed up with time.
I've seen this code where you can post youtube videos without using the whole entire embed code, and just go like this:
PHP Code:
and then you'll get this as your result. except with the actual video.
I'll code that in later

a raiting system so we can rate submissions on the site?
a sort of thing like a sprite archive on PJ, only customs ofcourse, otherwise TsR would be useless. New sprites and most popular voted sprites or something.
How about making the background color of the posts the same as the background color of the tags.
Also I see no Fangames subforums, I think it would be best as a sprite discussion subforum in my opinion.
We need those icon layouts, too.
How about a sprite duel section??
sprite duel was probably the most inactive forum on the board
Agreeing with Mozzy so much.
SamsterBoy Wrote:I've seen this code where you can post youtube videos without using the whole entire embed code, and just go like this:
PHP Code:
and then you'll get this as your result. except with the actual video.
In serious disagreement with that for one reason : makes page loads SLOW. And besides, where will that come up? Maybe one or two topics [the youtube topic that will invariably come, and a couple other random ones]. Links do the job just fine.
You guys don't seem to have a Site Errors thread like the one that was on PT. It would probably be useful, and I'm assuming you just haven't put one up yet, but either way hopefully this post reminds you. :B