The battle graphics are stored in a much more complicated manner I'm afraid - they're also stored in pieces rather than actual sprite, so you'd have to make the poses yourself...
How are the palettes stored in DBKai? I'd totally help you out if you don't mind me doing so. I've been looking through the ROM myself wanting to rip these....but...I can't seem to find the palettes' locations ;3;
Really? I found them like, within seconds. They're in the same file as the sprites, a few bytes in.
(05-04-2009, 08:36 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]The battle graphics are stored in a much more complicated manner I'm afraid - they're also stored in pieces rather than actual sprite, so you'd have to make the poses yourself...
As in I'd have to combine fragments to make an actual sprite? Or something more complicated...?
You'd have to combine the bits - like arms, heads, bodies, legs.
(05-05-2009, 02:40 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]You'd have to combine the bits - like arms, heads, bodies, legs.
So the body parts are separate sprites?
That sounds good enough for me. But if you don't want to don't feel like you have to.
I actually tried using Taxahan and and the Tile program myself but after a frustrating hour I realized I had no clue what I was doing.

Well hopefully in a month or so, tSR is going to have a lot of tutorials etc. so that should be pretty cool!
You'll learn how to do everything

That's cool. I'd definitely be willing to contribute to the site if I had the skills to.
EDIT: Do you know when you'd be able to rip those sprite pieces?
Sorry, but I'm not sure, I've got a lot of work at the moment.