I liked all three games, but I can't play the same RPG again.
Also, the songs are incredible. Mother 2's was trippier while Mother 1 and 3 were more melodic.
I've played [and beaten] both 2 and 3 and loved them. For some reason I still liked Mother 2 more, it had this funky atmosphere to it that Mother 3 didn't.
(04-30-2009, 11:50 PM)OSM Wrote: [ -> ]I've been playing these games lately
fun as hell, I recommend you guys give them a shot at least
Earthbound definitely, amazing game so far
underrated implies people gave it bad ratings dude :v everyone who knows eb loves it, it's just under-appreciated.
There's something I was wondering. Did anyone here besides me actually get earthbound during the SNES era? It came in a large package and everything, and it was only worth around $10. Nowadays it's worth $200.
I remember when I was pissed off because I couldn't figure out how to save and I tried throwing the game away. Good times.

(05-04-2009, 05:21 PM)Badbatman3 Wrote: [ -> ]There's something I was wondering. Did anyone here besides me actually get earthbound during the SNES era? It came in a large package and everything, and it was only worth around $10. Nowadays it's worth $200.
I remember when I was pissed off because I couldn't figure out how to save and I tried throwing the game away. Good times. 
I still have the 'big box' for mine. And the strategy guide that came with it.
Had a dream I was playing a 3d remake of Earthbound on the Wii. Pretty damn fun. ;3;