
fine i wont post on here but you can go to
http://don't advertise.com or
http://really, it's against the rules.com
To veiw NON Jpegs i just posted them for the heck of it so if you have a problem with them then stay the heck way from this thread Thank You and i will continue to Type Like This Till the day i DIE so Thak You All Over You Will live Happly Ever After THE END.........So No More judging Me.....
jpeg, poorly edited, uploading custom sprites in the Submission section and uploading via the attachment system instead of using an image host?
Did you even *try* to read the rules before posting? =/ Moved to Sprite Discussion...
(05-01-2009, 02:14 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]jpeg, poorly edited, uploading custom sprites in the Submission section and uploading via the attachment system instead of using an image host?
Did you even *try* to read the rules before posting? =/ Moved to Sprite Discussion...
It's called the rules to the site not the rules to being accepted. =p
But your wright.
No, most of those are mentioned in 1 or more of the rules threads on the site, as either helpful suggestions or direct warnings.

no one bothers with attachments.
not going to look until you take the effort to put it on a hosting site
(05-01-2009, 02:39 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]No, most of those are mentioned in 1 or more of the rules threads on the site, as either helpful suggestions or direct warnings. 
Oh, guess that's what I get for not reading the rule's explanations and just the titles.
(05-01-2009, 02:54 PM)Osiris Wrote: [ -> ]not going to look until you take the effort to put it on a hosting site
You aren't missing anything bud.
stopped reading thread there
(05-01-2009, 02:06 PM)Lordsatwar123 Wrote: [ -> ]My Game Sprites (More Comming) Too Tired
Sorry I Was Tired And In A hurry I Forgot to Tell People I Was Going To Fix things T_T I Feel Disreaspected
This Is Annoying. Stop Typing Like This. Makes You Look Like A Douche.
(05-01-2009, 02:06 PM)Lordsatwar123 Wrote: [ -> ]My Game Sprites (More Comming) Too Tired
Stop Typing Like This For The Love Of Fuck
Stop. Type correctly without capitilizing all of your words.
First, host this sprites on an imagehosting site like imageshack.com. Next, these are terrible. You need to save in .gif, though prefereably .png. NOT .jpg. These sprites lack any kind of noticeable shading, proper shaping, or actual originality in the poses. They are pretty bad edits.
Oh shut up. As if bieng new is a good excuse to continue looking like a douchebag.
And it totally makes sense to email you when I can just post in this shitty topic.
mozzy do you have a black penis in your butt
ive literally never seen you mad
if i have i forgot
i bet i've seen you mad recently but did not pay attention