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Sheets on TSR: 68

yay~, exams are over, more time to rip some stuff from games:

[Image: alundrarmqb2.png]

Harvest Moon DS:
[Image: hmdsnp8.png]

Lufia 2:
[Image: lufiahousesif6.png]

Mystic Arc:
[Image: mysticarcpp0.png]

Secret of Mana:
[Image: somnpcsdf6.png]

[Image: devotaxh1.png][Image: goldkstegp0.png][Image: loireph6.png][Image: micburgerjs7.png][Image: willshouseliberialf3.png]
Okay, I've seen them on before, so I can say they are as good as always.

Ya rly~
Nice one!
Good job Smile
But... is it really called "Goldküste" in the English version? Genki ^_^
You seem to be playing the German (or a similar) language version. Do you know the English names?
Walktrough <-- Might help you to find the English names.

Yes, it's German. ^^
@Nemica: Thx for the list ^^

If the names of the German version are a problem, I could rename them. But I wonder why my previous rips were accepted, for example the sheet "Traktorstrahl" (tractor beam) was very German xD

Ah, and for the following sheets I can't give you the English names, because these games have dialogues in Japanese language. Therefore I chose names like "Town" or "Mountains", I hope it's not a problem for you =0

Super Nazo Puyo Tsuu - Ruuru no Tetsuwan Hanjouki:

[Image: miscaj9.png][Image: itembs7.png][Image: mountainsfj3.png][Image: townouterut3.png][Image: towninneruq5.png][Image: towerouterdz6.png]

Kabuki Rocks:

[Image: kabukins2.png]


[Image: dunje5.png]
cool rips Big Grin
Cool stuff~
Something new, just 4 fun:

Secret of Evermore:
[Image: soehundlw1.png]
Great job! This was one of my favourite games of all time. Loved it.
I love PSX-VRAM, this program is awesome Heart

Suikoden 2:
[Image: tsricongregminsterinnerkc4.png][Image: tsricongregminsteroutertt3.png][Image: tsriconmuseinnerwe0.png]

[Image: tsriconmuseouterrb8.png][Image: tsriconmuserathauspw5.png][Image: tsriconryubeinneref0.png]

[Image: tsriconryubekaputtwm0.png][Image: tsriconryubeouterhy9.png][Image: tsricontoranle1.png]

[Image: tsricontotoinnergu1.png][Image: tsricontotoouterrd8.png][Image: tsriconwhitedeerinnerfw9.png]
"Rathaus" is actually "City Hall" in english - mind changing that?
Besides that, absolutely wonderful! Nice job!

Thinking about doing Suikoden 1 as well?

I was thinking about ripping all of Suikoden 2, but I couldn't find the battle palettes properly, so I stopped Sad
Ah, the name of the sheets are mixed up because they were formerly destinated for a German RPG-Maker forum. Later I decided to post them here, too. Unfortunately I didn't change the names =o

Here are the two sheets with language correction:

[Image: tsriconryubekaputtnz5.png][Image: tsriconmusecityhallnv3.png]

Well Suikoden 1... in PSX-VRAM the tiles are really bad arranged (except the objects, they are very good to see if there is only one pallet for the whole tileset), the test rip of Antei shows it. If I want to rip from this game, I will use the classic method via screenshots. But at the moment, Suikoden 2 is easier to clear and looks much better than the crappy tiles from Suikoden 1 (don't like the colour management and the poor quality).

[Image: tsriconanteiinnerouterrx5.png][Image: tsriconscarletmooncastlok8.png][Image: tsriconscarletitiainnerub0.png][Image: tsriconpannuyakutaoutermv5.png]

Suikoden 2:
[Image: tsriconlrenouilleinner1wx3.png][Image: tsriconlrenouilleinner2ym5.png][Image: tsriconlrenouilleinner3ow1.png][Image: tsriconlrenouilleouter1rs6.png]

[Image: tsriconlrenouilleouter2pq7.png][Image: tsriconlrenouillethronegj6.png][Image: tsriconlrenouillethronerm9.png][Image: tsriconnamelesspathxl3.png]

[Image: tsriconrakuteimountainvi4.png][Image: tsriconrockaxecastleoutcw6.png][Image: tsriconrunecavevf8.png][Image: tsriconsouthwindowtownoil9.png]

[Image: tsricontenzanpassrd9.png][Image: tsriconcoronettownouterqb9.png]
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