I'm making a Final Fantasy VI rom hack which will feature Emerald Weapon as a boss although there are no sprites of him currently.
Well there is one but it sucks. :/
I know that some people will read this and may wonder if the request is worth taking because they feel I may not finish the hack.
To show that I finish my hacks, here is a play list of videos I've made which contain my FFVI hacks.
Sprite Specifications
128x128 sprite sheet
16 colors
You could do a google search for a screenshot/picture of the model and resize and recolor it to fir the limits.
(05-06-2009, 10:47 AM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]You could do a google search for a screenshot/picture of the model and resize and recolor it to fir the limits.
Uh... I don´t think it would quite... fit the style this way...
But whatever. I will GIVE IT A SHOT. Give me a palette and restrictions. NO MORE WORDS. I DON´T WANT TO HEAR "You can choose the colours ^^" ´KAY?!
(05-06-2009, 11:44 AM)JosephSeraph Wrote: [ -> ] (05-06-2009, 10:47 AM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]You could do a google search for a screenshot/picture of the model and resize and recolor it to fir the limits.
Uh... I don´t think it would quite... fit the style this way... 
But whatever. I will GIVE IT A SHOT. Give me a palette and restrictions. NO MORE WORDS. I DON´T WANT TO HEAR "You can choose the colours ^^" ´KAY?!
I don't do "^^ KAWIII" emoticons or that crap.
But anyhow, I can try to pick a palette out for you but that's more the spriters job I'd think.
The only restriction is 16 colors and must fit in a 128x128 sheet.
Are you sure you need help setting up a palette?
You're assuming that my palette selection would be better than yours, assuming that my spriting skill is better as well.
I pillow shade and use gradients so naturally I'd pick a palette out like that.
Tonberry2k, I've done this actually.

For some odd reason, every person who's taken a screenshot from FF7 believes that Jpeg is the best format so naturally it distorts the image. >_<;
Anyone able to sprite this boss for me?
I promise to use it in a FFVI hack and give credit.
(05-06-2009, 06:27 PM)Zeemis Wrote: [ -> ]Tonberry2k, I've done this actually. 
For some odd reason, every person who's taken a screenshot from FF7 believes that Jpeg is the best format so naturally it distorts the image. >_<;
I can get you a good screenshot if you want. Just tell me what angle you want it at and if you want it to be an overworld or in battle screenshot.
I'd like both if possible.
The battle screenshot should be from a side point of view, the FFVI cast will be on the right and Emerald Weapon on the left.
Alright I'll try and get the screenshots up later. I'm not sure how useful the overworld screenshots will be though since the FFVII is displayed at a different angle then the 2d games, but I'll try to get a decent screenshot of them.
Well here's my attempt at this. If you need the screenshots bigger just tell me. The biggest problem was the overworld shots since Emerald Weapon shoots out little clouds that are horribly resized and so it was difficult to get a clear shot. As for the battle sprite, I don't know of a way to remove the countdown numbers so I had to leave them there. Here's a link to the gallery with all of the screenshots I got.
Ah thank you, now I just need someone willing to sprite it.

Just a try:
Normal size:
Bigger for details:
13 Colors.
It's um, it's okay.
I don't like be a picker and chooser or what not but the sprite doesn't look finished.
I'm looking for something more with professionalism, more detail to it.
It looks like to me you found an Emerald Weapon screenshot, cropped it and removed the background stuff. You re-sized it and reduced it's colors.
You should add more detail, you can do so by adding 3 more colors so it's 16 colors instead of 13.
yeah, I used the screenshots from Shadowth117 as template for the shape, but it's not only resized. Light sources and most (90%) of the sprite are from me, because the shrinked version looked awful =P
Feel free to edit it, it's as said just a try from my side~
Wow! Emerald weapon...
even I know 2 other hack bosses other than that one.
Besides I don't think It's a hack, but I'm not sure.
(05-21-2009, 08:44 AM)Cjslick Wrote: [ -> ]Wow! Emerald weapon...
even I know 2 other hack bosses other than that one.
Besides I don't think It's a hack, but I'm not sure.
Can you elaborate please?