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Full Version: Kamen Rider Club Sprites
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fangame i'm working on, changed the previous style to the larger sprites below

[Image: kamenriderclub.png]

there are many characters that need to be updated to this style, but the smaller ones listed are the ones i want to finish first, any help would be appreciated

[Image: kamenriderclub.png]

having trouble making walking sprites Shy
off topic but
is this for the gmk you need converted
if you still can't get it to work, send me your gmk and I'll convert it for you

if you're worried about security or whatever, don't worry, I won't look at the files
yeah, it is for that, but i dont need it anymore, i figured it out
okay, cool
it converted good?
yup, thanks for all the help
no prob
Oh Kamen Rider.... De-De-Deeecade!
Oh man, great sprites, Loving them *¬*