Since Super Robot Wars K is out and emulaited, can someone be kind enough to rip Temjin so I can re-sprite that "thing" I have for the Fantasy Smash Bros project and for a reference (emulation's a bitch)? I'd perfer it being in peices, though, so I can assemble them myself (Ala current Super Robot Wars sprites on TSR).
that just gave me the idea of making Temjin for the SMW thread.
I tried to rip this before, but had no luck, but if he's in any of the PS2 games, I could rip that for you?
There's Super Robot Wars Alpha 3 (PS2), and he's in it. You could try that alternitavely, that would be a big help.
Domobot could (and prolly has) rip it.
(05-13-2009, 01:47 AM)Cooltrainer♂ Tyvon Wrote: [ -> ]Domobot could (and prolly has) rip it.
yeah sure

If I could rip from PS2 SRWs, they'd probably be up on tSR by now.
Speaking of which, Dazz, did you figure a way to get the Z stuff to me, yet?