Hey Guys I was thinking, how about you guys add a zoom in function like the one in pixeljoint or pixelation? It's easier to give C+C when you don't have to save the image and then zoom in. I think it's good but well you tell me. I was thinking of posting in the suggestion thing but since the last few post are about the actual spriters-resource site I just made a new topic. If it's not suppose to be here don't worry just delete it or move it to the suggestion topic. Thanks in advance.
Not a terrible suggestion, I'm for it.
Ya, may not be a bad idea.
Is there even any way to automatically upscale posted images without the resize getting all blurry? I ask this as even most browsers have trouble upscaling images without blurring.
Ngamer is right. Unless you use Opera or IE etc, the images get blurred. Firefox has been asked repeatedly to fix this, and they never really have gotten to it. Google Chrome does the same thing.
However, if those troubles got resolved, I'd be all for this as well.
(also 800th post

I've been asking this of PT for two years now.
The auto-aa problem doesn't help.
You can stop the blurring in Firefox by using the IE Tab extension.
(05-14-2009, 11:38 PM)Badassbill Wrote: [ -> ]You can stop the blurring in Firefox by using the IE Tab extension.
Yeah, but then you might as well just use IE...
I'll look into it, but most likely the answer will be no. You can get browser plugins that allow you to upscale images by holding in the scroll wheel on an image and scroll up or down.
(05-15-2009, 01:39 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ] (05-14-2009, 11:38 PM)Badassbill Wrote: [ -> ]You can stop the blurring in Firefox by using the IE Tab extension.
Yeah, but then you might as well just use IE...
Not really.
People don't use firefox for what you can do within a tab, they use it for the interface.
Thanks for posting guys. SO it's actually a good idea right? The only problem will be the blurring thing but that can be fixed.
would be a good idea, coniddering it'd be much easier to pinpoint where the problem with any sprite much quicker.
i'm in for it
the only fix for the bilinear filtering scaling is to use Firefox 2.
honeslty, its the same thing as FF3.
Thanks Metaru for an idea on how to fix this. Thanks Diogalesu for your support.
(05-14-2009, 03:05 PM)Mabelma Wrote: [ -> ]It's easier to give C+C when you don't have to save the image and then zoom in.
But.. wait. If an image is meant to be displayed at 100% zoom, then wouldn't it be counter-intuitive to give C & C by looking at said image at higher levels of zoom? I've experienced a few cases where a sprite seems a bit 'off' at 600% zoom, but looks fine at 100% zoom.
That said, I certainly think it'd be a cool feature, but I don't think it's crucial, by any stretch of the imagination.
obiusly its going to look "a bit off" if you're judging the whole sprite by watching it 6x zoomed.
rememebr you zoom in to analize the details within the image, not the whole image itself.
it certainly its a completelly and useful feature, but there are plenty ways to achieve the same effect by just copy/paste.