Nice rips. Do you think you can get to ripping Lanturn soon?
You can't do Requests.. its in the rules..
But I like your rips there nice. 
I believe taking requests is fine, just not asking for things.
(08-05-2008, 08:09 AM)Rakia Wrote: [ -> ]I believe taking requests is fine, just not asking for things.
Oh ok then.
Cleffa and Clefairy.
Also, by requests, they mean making a topic saying "I n33dz mudkip zpr1tez plz k thx bai"
If someone offers up requests, it's ok.
Do Ya think Ya Can Rip:
Magma Cavern,
MT. Blaze,
And Amp Plains?
I've been waiting Azurill for a long time~ Can you rip the lovely Azurill??? @_@
I Ripped this:
![[Image: MTSteelTiles2.png]](
I would have ripped some sprites, but I forgot to put Animation Get on my flash drive
I got a good start on Sinister Woods also
(08-05-2008, 02:34 PM)Shroob2 Wrote: [ -> ]request!
Cleffa and Clefairy.
Also, by requests, they mean making a topic saying "I n33dz mudkip zpr1tez plz k thx bai"
If someone offers up requests, it's ok.
Oh ok, I get it now. ^^;
Could maybe put a Corphish and Crawdaunt on your waiting list?
(08-05-2008, 09:34 PM)RyanCheong Wrote: [ -> ]I've been waiting Azurill for a long time~ Can you rip the lovely Azurill??? @_@
Your in luck, RedYellowBlue is doing it tomorrow
I finished this:
![[Image: sinisterwoodstileset.png]](
I'm going to start my requests soon
Nice Work Keep It Up bout to get on your awesome game with my new account Rai