Dammit, beat me to it, it's one or the other, I'm going to say Shedinja. Also, how do I open these? I'm new to the site and I'm not sure how all these resources work >.<
Froslass was correct! Shedinja had already been made, so Froslass was the only available option
and she's done:
Next up is the only Fifth Generation Pokemon who can have the ability 'Rattled'
I hate to keep saying this, but Clefairy's still on the site twice
Are you going to finish all the Ice type Pokemon before you do any others?
Cubchoo's correct!
I only had a few Ice types planned for December (Seeing as the Holidays are almost here), and Cubchoo's the last one, but I do have a special 'somewhat-Christmas-themed' (Not Directly) Pokemon planned after I finish Cubchoo...and it's not Delibird (Although, he could use a remake...)
(Just a quick side-note, so I don't have to double-post, I added a couple new poses to the sheet, to make the Arms in the Special Attack look more cloth-like instead of just being static. Hit F5 to make sure you're seeing the newest Version, since I just replaced the File in my Photobucket)
Wait how do I turn these into an animation? Is there a specific order I have to do? Sorry about this, I'm still a bit unsure on how the resources on here work.
Yeah, mine are in a sort of strange order, but each row is usually a different animation (unless it's longer, like the Special attack on Froslass)...But the order each pose goes in is kind of strange too...
For example, most Idle Animations in this project animate like this (1,2,3,2,1,4,5,4), which makes the 5 frames into 8...Idles that have more than the Basic 5 usually have the first five repeat 3-5 times before the other ones are animated (Similar to the Animations in Black & White)
Hurt is just one pose...
Runs are usually in a straight line, but there are exceptions like my Scizor/Charizard (In which the Flying poses repeat more than once before it lands)...
Attacks and Special Attacks are also generally in a Straight line, again, unless it's a long one (like Froslass') or has frames repeating (...like Froslass, due to the Arm flaps)...Also, sometimes I tack the Attack animation at the end of the Run Cycle, that's mostly with things that run on all fours
There's also the Shiny in the top right corner, and pieces under it...They're there for you to make your own unique poses
But that's basically the setup of my sheets...I make the Idle a little confusing to cut down on repeat poses, and save space, but other than that, it's usually just the order I have them in
So for say the Pikachu one, how would it work? Sorry if I'm being a pest
(08-27-2010, 10:23 PM)JoshR691 Wrote: [ -> ]Gloom's Correct!
Finished Pikachu (That was almost as fast as he is) :
![[Image: tag01.png]](http://img576.imageshack.us/img576/7445/tag01.png)
For Pikachu it would work like this:
Idle - 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 4, (Repeats 2 more times), 1, 6, 1, 7
Run - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (The Attack is tacked onto the same row, as it's a Tackle)
Hurt - 1
Special Attack - 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 3
Surf - 1, 2, 3
Fly - 1, 2, 3 (Repeat until it reaches a height you find suitable), 4, 5 (Until you have Pikachu hit the other Pokemon)
All of these animations connect to the First pose in the first row (But the '1' in Each Row refers to the first pose in each of their respective Row)
Got Froslass up for you

Thanks, but Clefairy's still on the site twice, one needs to be taken down
I finished Cubchoo:
Next up is a Pokémon who's Color Changes depending on the Season
Deleted the extra Clefairy. And uploaded Cubchoo.
Deerling's Correct!
Also, Thanks Ton...But I have a Minor Update for Cubchoo...I just noticed that I forgot to add his Tail to the Run Animation, So I did that...It's the same File name, so just hit F5 to see the Tail on the Above Cubchoo (Minor oversight on my Part, sorry about that)
I finished Deerling:
And thus concludes the New Pokemon in my "Christmas Special"...But there is one more Pokemon I want to make before the year's out...No, not a new sheet, but a remake...A remake of one of my all time favorite Ice Types, Lapras
I probably won't have Lapras done by Christmas, so I'll just say this now:
Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to you all!
Deerling is awesome! Looking forward to Lapras.
Hope your Christmas is a great one too Josh.