Um... I have a question for JoshR691:
Can you do Human Characters from the Anime series?
Charmeleon's done:
I'm remaking Snorlax next
@LooneyTunerIan: I plan on making every Trainer & Trainer-type from the games. I'm excluding the Anime series, and I know that with Yellow Version Ash, Jessie & James are technically part of the game series, but as I stated, I'm excluding all Anime characters...
I will, however say that I intend to rework the Current Base for each Trainer...I want to make them more unique, rather than just Design-swaps, As they currently are, aside from the Victory & Loss animations...(Yes, this means that Red, & Gold/Ethan will be remade for the umpteenth time)
Well, That's sad.

I couldn't find any good sprite sheets of any trainers/characters from the Anime Series.
Someone should REALLY consider starting a project based on that.
Wow. Before I clicked, I was going to suggest a Snorlax update next.
Pretty sure his legs are too small.
I think his head is too big
I also think the legs could be a bit longer actually -- I believe everything else is good.
It's kind of funny, I actually started Charmeleon with longer legs, but it looked off, so I shrunk them a Pixel...I also based his look off of the Black & White Sprite which appears to have given him slightly smaller legs...As for the head, it's entirely possible that it's a little too big...I'll mess around with it a bit
Can you do Gym Leaders, too?
only if they're not anime characters. he already said he's not going to do them yet...
That's the problem with Pokemon Spriting these days.
Always focusing on the game, but never the anime itself.
(02-03-2013, 07:54 PM)LooneyTunerIan Wrote: [ -> ]That's the problem with Pokemon Spriting these days.
Always focusing on the game, but never the anime itself.
It's not a problem. People choose to make game-related stuff, that's their deal. Mind you that custom spriting is actually what some people do for a living. It's something people can ask money for. Sure, it's copyrighted content, but the effort put into it is all the same. Him making these in his spare time is something others can benefit from, so be grateful he does it.
Requesting is not allowed unless it's done in the proper forum. Know that he has all the right to choose not to accept your request.
If you can't deal with the lack of anime-related sprites, make your own. Simple as that.
Snorlax is done!:
Blastoise is getting the remake treatment next!
@ LooneyTunerIan: Gym Leaders will be made, as long as their in the Game's canon (So, no Brock's father or Siblings or Misty's Sisters)...Why is it a problem to focus on the games? That is where it started, you know...
Better! I feel like Blastoise needed a remake by now too.
Snorlax looks way better! Do you think you should make a "lying down" sprite?