Made Charizard's head like two pixels bigger (one wider, one taller)
If the new head isn't liked by the TSR staff, I left the old one up 7 posts ago(you guys can compare them, tell me which one's better, etc...) I don't want to go bigger, and any smaller would basically be the old head, so I guess it's either the new one or the old one
That deserves a thumbs up.
Remade Squirtle:
Alright, I'm going to remake Wartortle, Charmeleon, Pikachu & Raichu, then I'm taking a break from remakes/remasters for at least 5 sheets
The Charizard is perfect, the Jolteon's snout needs to be bigger, and Squirtle's nose is too big. But I must say, I couldn't do any better.
Squirtle's shell is wicked!
Nice one!

Y'know, I can imagine at least one person will recolor Squirtle's shell into a Koopa Shell.
But other that that, Jolteon looks good.
Can't wait to see some fresh Pokémon.
Wartortle's remade now:
Oh, and Dazz, you left my old Squirtle sheet in the section, could you fix that? (Please get rid of that horrid old Squirtle)
3 More sheets until I start making new ones
No worries, Josh! I've just taken care of that.
Oh, and I was thinking, do you think it would be a good idea if we were to organize the Pokemon sheets in the custom section by their numbers? For example, instead of calling it "Bulbasaur", let's call it "#001 Bulbasaur". Do you think that would work? It might be a better way of organizing the section so it's less confusing.
you mean naming the sheets that? I could do that, but it would probably take me a while...
...Unless of course, you guys are talking about doing it on the site, in which case, I'm for it, haha...As long as I can keep the Tags title as the Pokemon's name, it should be fine, right? And hey, if it works, that's how the other Pokemon Sections could be organized
(05-19-2009, 08:56 PM)JoshR691 Wrote: [ -> ]you mean naming the sheets that? I could do that, but it would probably take me a while...
...Unless of course, you guys are talking about doing it on the site, in which case, I'm for it, haha...As long as I can keep the Tags title as the Pokemon's name, it should be fine, right?
No, we can keep the names on the tags the way they are, but we can do it my way for the names of the sheets on the site. That would mean no work for you, but for the TSR staff. Let's see what Dazz thinks first.
Well, I think it would work...but the Trainers would need to be in some sort of order too, I guess (I mean, they don't HAVE to, but it would probably be more convenient for people looking for them)...But the Trainers are in the middle of an overhaul, so I'd wait until I figure out how I want to do them (but it would probably be in Generation order)
(05-19-2009, 09:02 PM)JoshR691 Wrote: [ -> ]Well, I think it would work...but the Trainers would need to be in some sort of order too, I guess (I mean, they don't HAVE to, but it would probably be more convenient for people looking for them)...But the Trainers are in the middle of an overhaul, so I'd wait until I figure out how I want to do them (but it would probably be in Generation order)
I'd say keep the trainers named what they are for now, unless you have some idea.
Nah, no big ideas yet...I'm still not sure if I want the sheets set up like May & Brendan (have both versions on each sheet) or like Dawn & Lucas(Have the originals separate, and the new designs on one separate sheet)