I'm back, and I just finished fixing the mouths of Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar:
![[Image: tag015.png]](http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/2120/tag015.png)
![[Image: tag016.png]](http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/2066/tag016.png)
Going to remake Charmander soon, and then I might take a break from the project for a while
Now that's the way to do it.
Charmander's done:
I think I did much better this time than the past two Charmanders
Anyway, school's starting soon, and I'm not going to have too much free time, so this Project's going to be on hold again
I think its nose sticks out a bit too much. Move it in one pixel and it's good to go.
Opening this Project Back up
Since Heart Gold & Soul Silver are releasing on the 12th, and the Sprites are already ripped, I figured I'd begin to update the Colors on the Pokemon that changed:
![[Image: tag031.png]](http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/1070/tag031.png)
![[Image: tag014.png]](http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/7033/tag014.png)
![[Image: tag018.png]](http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/9900/tag018.png)
![[Image: tag015.png]](http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/2120/tag015.png)
![[Image: tag016.png]](http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/2066/tag016.png)
...Oh, and Gastly's colors barely changed (They Probably didn't at all, and it was just how it was saved to the Computer) But I did him anyway...
I also:
Added a Little Dip to Haunters' head, and got rid of the Hands' 'Aura'
Changed the Shading a little on Magnemite & Magneton
I'll probably re-remake the Trainers' Heads again, since to me, They don't look too much like Pokemon Trainers...If you have an opinion or a tip (depending if you want me to redo their heads or not), please give it before I do this
ivysaur's new colours look better
Most of the 251's new colors look better
Ok, so I started to work on a new Trainer Base, and I think this one looks more like a Trainer would in a Pokemon game
Let me know what you guys think, and of course, the colors are from HG/SS's Red (on the new one)
And before I work more on the Trainer base, I was thinking about some of their Animations...
I'm going to get rid of the crappy Red 'Return' Effect, and probably do something closer to Battle Revolution (Pokemon turn into a 'Ball of light' to return)...
I was thinking about adding different facial expressions for if the Trainer is winning or losing, but that would just be kind of gimmicky, and I think the Win/Lose animations are good enough on their own, which I might try to 'personalize' a little more (For example, Red could 'tug' on the Brim of his cap if he wins, and looks down, with his cap covering his eyes if he loses, maybe snaps his fingers or something too, like 'Darn')
I want to add a 'Send out *Pokemon Following You* Animation as well...In HG & SS, it looks like they just used the Trainers throw sprite without the Pokeball, but if I animate the Throw the same way as it currently is, it wouldn't look right
So those are my ideas for the Trainers...If any of you guys have any suggestions, I'll be happy to implement them to the Trainer sheets. Oh and, this shouldn't matter much, but seeing as how I don't have much free time this semester, I wouldn't expect the rest of the Trainer sheets(or even Reds sheet) to come anytime soon...Same goes for the Pokemon, but this Project is still reopened
Trainer base looks better.
Aw, I like the red light.