Yup, he's the right size...might be slightly bigger than 2'00"
Oh, and I'm going by the new Trainer Base as a comparison
Yeah, kinda made a Porygon-Z edit of your Porygon2 sprite there; you see, I like Porygon-Z a LOT, and would appreciate a proper spriting done of him.
So yeah. Make of this what you will.
Well, when I make Porygon-Z it'll be from scratch, using his Platinum colors (since they don't change in HG/SS)
Currently, this project's on a little bit of a break, but I should start it up again in a while
You are freaking insane, dude. Those sprites are god.
*Blows dust off topic*
I finished remaking Rattata:
It's been a while, but I'm finally getting around to starting this project up again...Expect more remakes semi-soon-ish
And just a little juicy piece of information, I'm probably going to remake Onix so he's bigger, like Steelix
Better. And speaking of sizes, are the sizes of Steelix and Gyarados really accurate looking at your signature?
...Probably not...I mean, they're more accurate with the old Trainers, and since the new trainers are a little taller than the ones in my sig, they're going to be even less accurate...
This is a problem I'll have to address later on, or just use 'General' sizes, but that could be considered lazy (Although, without doing that, Wailord won't be able to fit most of his body 'on-screen')
Nice Rattata.
Glad to see you're back into it.
Who's next on your list, Josh?
Let's just say it's something I 'herd u liek'
That's the first and last time you'll ever hear me say that
(10-21-2009, 11:35 PM)JoshR691 Wrote: [ -> ]Let's just say it's something I 'herd u liek' That's the first and last time you'll ever hear me say that
Oh god.T_T

, yay i now love you (not in that way though) the hoenn starters are my favorite for all forms
HI! I LOVE YOUR SPRITES!!!... actually I just love sprite in general, that soda is sooooooo good! have you ever had had sprite? Well ya know I loooooooooove it. I’m just curious why they made a whole forum about sprite… and why would you need a resource for sprite anyways? I mean its kind of obvious all you do is pop the cap and chug! Why would they make coke if sprite is a whole lot better? Who do you think came up with it first… I really am curious because if coke made it first I will have to go on strike at my job with pick it signs that say SAVE SPRITE… DOWN WITH COKE! What do you think of that sign…speaking of signs I thought I heard God telling me to Save Coke … what do you think that means if I’m a fan of sprite? OHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOO! IM DOING IT AGEIN IM RANTING ON ABOUT STUFF!!!!!!! Speaking of stuff did you know stuffed animals have stuffing? I mean its logical but I’m wondering why they don’t use pine cones instead I mean it just seems logical… they have a cool yet hard texture and they are cool to feel ! speaking of feel I got dumped yesterday and I just wanted you to know it hurt my feelings deep in my heart. Talking about hearts I was in class yesterday and we were learning about dinosaurs… and I was curious if dinosaurs had hearts? Do you know if dinosaurs had hearts? Oh noooooooooo I’m rambling again… AND THAT’S WHY FIRE ENGINES ARE RED!!!!!!
What in gods name are you talking about?
Uh...Ok, well...
I finished Mudkip:
![[Image: tag012.png]](http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/7140/tag012.png)