(11-14-2009, 03:04 PM)Neslug Wrote: [ -> ]I think you should change the colour of Mudkip's tongue to a darker red from another sprite. It's ridiculous to limit yourself with colours like that just because the official sprite doesn't have its mouth open. But other than that, lookin' good.
Well, to make Golbat's tongue, I sort of did that (I used the Shiny Version's Wing color)...
I'll start doing that. After all, this is Project made to emulate Battle Revolution, and the 4th Gen. games, and I'm pretty sure Battle Revolution has Pink/Red for mouths so...Yeah, I'll start doing that. Fixing Mudkip first, of course
Edit: Fixed:
![[Image: tag012.png]](http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/7140/tag012.png)
Mew's done:
Also, I left Mudkip up because an old version made it on the site, and the Mouth is fixed in the newest version in the first Post (or my above post)
Much better. I don't think it could be any better than that.
No bubble?
Awesome job, man.
Ya a bubble would've been nice. BTW, Josh, Mudkip is updated on the site now.
As always, your customs are lookin' great. Keep it up, man, I can't wait to see more.
A bubble would have been good, but still, great job!
Look on the site for a bubble and just color it. =]
Sweetsauce Josh! What's next?
Generation 3's most notable duo, Plusle & Minun...Then Second Generation Starters
And then maybe some new stuff
The one I'll always anticipate the most is Nidoking... who knows when I'll actually see it though. xD
Well, I still have to do Nidoran (M) and remake Nidorino before that happens...and I also want to make the two females along with them before I make Nidoking/queen
But, yeah...I would start expecting sheets in the next month (finals are coming up...)
I can't believe I've missed this topic for so long. These sprites are great. I'm looking forward to Giovanni personally. (Will you do both black suit and orange suit?) Also, I was wondering if I could commission you or something to make sprites of Mask of Ice/Masked Man from uh... the Gold, Silver & Crystal chapter in the Pokémon Adventures manga. I'd find you a reference but pictures of him are hard to find. I'll work on finding it later.
hey good work on the sprites. I my self kinda liked the older versions of them because they were a good size in comparison to the Sonic the hedgehog sprites for an idea I have. That's one of the reason why I use them. I still like them though.
Plus are you maybe going to add backgrounds maybe once your finished with all the sprites or maybe after so many or are you just doing sprites?
Finished Remaking Plusle & Minun (Feels nice to finally have some free time)
![[Image: tag075.png]](http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/6430/tag075.png)
@ Capaccio: I'm not taking commissions...As for Giovanni, I'll probably only make his Fire Red/Leaf Green and Heart Gold/Soul Silver costumes, only because this Project's based off the games, not the anime/manga
@JC Kane: the older sprites, were bad and outdated, they're not meant to fit with other styles, as they're in their own style...As for backgrounds, I currently have some plans for some, but they would only be in-battle, and would most likely come after I finish all 493 Pokemon, and at least the all of the Hero/Heroine/Rival Sprites. My First Background (A Base Gym) is in my Sig, and that would most likely be revised...