Cool feebas, good seeing you concentrated on every aspect of it.
Feebas looks nice!
And it's Bidoof whose next, who makes a nice slave of that gen.
aww four minutes late
but bidoof was my guess to
btw good job on feebas

um i think you should start on evolved starters scince you only have the first gen ones
(02-07-2010, 08:54 PM)Subomi Wrote: [ -> ]Cool feebas, good seeing you concentrated on every aspect of it.
Thanks! it means a lot coming from another Pokefreak, and also from a great spriter (Seriously, most of your Pokemon stuff inspired me to keep this project going)
(02-07-2010, 08:54 PM)Subomi Wrote: [ -> ]Dialga
...But seriously, Bidoof's up next
And it also means that he'll be my 199th Pokemon sheet
@bnewell: I'm eventually gonna get to them, hopefully sooner rather than later, but they will be coming
wait if bidoof is next you must be making somthing really cool for your 200th pokemon sprite...
(02-08-2010, 07:17 PM)bnewell Wrote: [ -> ]wait if bidoof is next you must be making somthing really cool for your 200th pokemon sprite...
What you mean to say is "You must've skipped an upload because Bidoof is SO cool it should be the 200th."
Does not move
At all in that sheet
Hmm...Now that you mention it...I can kind of see it, but what do you want to move more, the tail, the body (Kind of like the Flailing/Splashing in the 3rd Row)
I think it's Idle's fine (Treading the Water, staying in one Place), but it could use more Poses for it to actually swim towards the other Pokemon (Since the Actual swim turned into it's Splash Animation)
I'm assuming you mean in General though (Body turning, and more Tail Movement)
Well, I think I made the movements more noticeable in the Sheet:
I separated the Movement from the Idle, and improved the Sp. Att Animation. The Splash Animation and Hurt Pose stay the same since they do what they're there for
I didn't really realize it needed to move more before, but this one looks better.
finished Bidoof:
Next up is a Pokemon that has 4 Forms, has the ability Pressure, is an Alien Virus that mutated, it's Orange, Green and Purple, and it's name starts with 'D' and ends with 'eoxys' ... Seriously, I already let you guys know, so this one was no fun to write
Bidoof looks great. You already told me whose next, so I have no need to guess.