Going back to Nincada, Should I just ditch the lightest Brown on the Front legs? I mean, it looks like they made it too yellow instead of brown
Also, should I remake Onix first, or make Wailmer first?
(I also put up another fix to Charizard right after you posted, nothing much, just a very tiny error fixed on more than the pose I mentioned above)
- Charizard fixed again!
- Keep Nincada's colors the way they are. They look fine to me.
- Also, make Wailer first just to try something new, unless Onix has a few minor things that need to be fixed up, do him first.
I know your fixing your awesome Pokemon sprites, but can you do some other ones please?
Like the Gold and Silver game Pokemon for example?
He said he's going to do Wailmer next. Patience.
Also Nincada looks better.
Finished making Wailmer:
I can't quite put my finger on it, but the shading on the top half of the Body bugs me...I might try to shade it differently, more based on the Artwork's Facial shading rather than the D/P/Pl/HG/SS sprite's...And if that doesn't work, I'll just shade it my own way...
Make the sprite more lighter blue than a dark color blue.
Well, there's nothing I can really do about the colors, since I use the ones from the D/P/Pl/HG/SS Sprites
I fixed the shading, this one looks much better:
![[Image: tag196.png]](http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/456/tag196.png)
I think both of his fins should stick up for the hurt pose, not just one. Everything else looks good though.
Well it looks better now.
I'd like to make three sprite requests for further updates, due to their post-credits availability in HGSS.
First one: Grovyle
Second one: Combusken
Third one: Marshstomp
He'll get to those eventually. You'll have to be patient.
Fixed the Hurt Pose:
Also, I'm thinking about doing something like focusing on one or two Generations for a while...
I think after I finish the Pokemon on my List (So far, there's 23 More new Pokemon on the current list) I'll focus on the rest of the Starters (Remaking Charmeleon, Wartortle, Blastoise, Torchic, maybe Turtwig again & Fixing some minor things on Treecko, then of course I'll make the Middle & Final Evolutions of Hoenn & Sinnoh Starters), and then I'll focus on the First two Generations, since I have the most done with them (For Kanto, at least until I reach 100, and Johto at least 60 [and yeah, the Johto Focus will also count the rest of their starters])
...But that won't be for another few months (Depending on how long the 23 sheets take me)
I'll also ask this now: Should I hold off on a lot of the (Currently) unnecessary Remakes (like Onix, who's next up on the separate Remake list), and only do those that are Necessary (like Aron, he was one of the Original Pokemon I made)
And Finally, I forgot the hint when I posted Wailmer:
Next up is a Pokemon that can walk on Water
Sorry, but another thing bothering me about Wailmer. I don't like how when the fins are pasted on top of his body, you get that long black line. Something like this, perhaps or similar? Just toy around with it until it looks about right.
And about that hint. Suicune is all I can think of.
(03-08-2010, 07:33 PM)SengirDev Wrote: [ -> ]Surskit, perhaps?
Also, with Wailmer do you just mean the hurt pose?