Wingull's correct!
Pelipper (it's Evolution) is the one that's better known, and has an actual part in the Mystery Dungeon series
Wingull shouldn't take too long, but then again, Simple Pokemon aren't always the easiest to make
You should do someshadow pokemon like the avatar I made. here are three of mine.
(03-13-2010, 09:28 PM)onyx801 Wrote: [ -> ]You should do someshadow pokemon like the avatar I made. here are three of mine.
...why would he make
Great Mankey sheet Josh!
Thanks Solink!
Also, the only Shadow Pokemon that changes color like that is Lugia, so those are technically fakemon (Real Pokemon, fake Shadow 'Status'), and Fakemon aren't accepted to the site, so I won't be doing Shadow Pokemon (the Lugia sheet only has Shadow Lugia on the sheet because it was actually in a Pokemon game[unlike say Shadow Charizard])
You could just re-color Lugia to do the shadowed form.
Loving Mankey though!
Actually, I think Shadow Lugia has some small changes in design (and was taller?)
Not like any of that would matter since the Lugia sheet includes shadow Lugia.
Anyways, awesome work JoshR
Shadow Lugia has a different thing around his eyes, his eyes are red, and his Toes are spiky rather than rounded...And yeah, Shadow Lugia's on the sheet (It even has it's own parts =P)
Thanks for the comments, now it's time to play more Soul Silver! You guys will be lucky if you see any more done this month!
Loving the Mankey sheet Josh!
Is there any chance of you redoing Scyther? Also Blastoise to match Charizard and Venusaur?
JoshR691, in the Gible sheet, there is a spelling mistake:"Please Give Credit if uesd".
"uesd"? Is it suppose to be "used"?
hey are you going to make spiky-ear-pichu

(03-16-2010, 09:38 PM)bnewell Wrote: [ -> ]hey are you going to make spiky-ear-pichu 
Part of it is already on the current Pichu sheet.
(03-16-2010, 10:18 PM)A.J. Nitro Wrote: [ -> ] (03-16-2010, 09:38 PM)bnewell Wrote: [ -> ]hey are you going to make spiky-ear-pichu 
Part of it is already on the current Pichu sheet.
didnt notice >.<
hey Joshr691. I just wanted first to say that your sheets are awesome. but I do have a sugestion.
Typhlosion is my favorite pokemon. So I ask you that when you finially get to him Please make him walk on two legs. I know that in Battle Revolution he walks on all fours to get to his target but the pokemon Typhlosion can walk on two (he does in the show) SO please make him walk on two legs. oh I'm also looking forward to when you get the rest of torchick evolutions done.
Plus I thought Of idea for a game. I was thinking of making it. but I got a school project to finish first.
How about Ukelele Pichu? That's be awesome

Well, he is in a Game...haha, I would throw a Ukelele on the sheet if you could transfer it to the games and it had Sing learned
@ JC Kane: When I do eventually get to Typhlosion, his Run will most likely be on two feet rather than 4...Quilava, on the other hand, will be on all fours for the Majority of his sheet
Also, I might be finishing up Wingull soon-ish (within the next day or two)...I don't know what it is about his wings, but they've been giving me a lot of trouble, but I think I got it so, like I said, it might be finished soon
I've been playing a lot of Soul Silver lately (Haven't started Heart Gold yet, but intend to...) so I've been slacking on the project...As soon as I start playing it less, I'll get back to working more often on the Project...Hopefully, I'll have less Homework & Papers to do by then