When you make Giovanni I'd reccomend making him in HG/SS style, as that seems to be the darker, more sinister look to him.
Or maybe you could do his r/b/y fr/lg and hg/ss costumes, I think if you're going to include the heroe's original designs then it would make sense to add gymleader's various designs too.
Some of the best customs ive seen of anything! Great Job!
Yeah, Kirlia is definitely it.
Also, Chikorita's run seems to have a snap to it, but I might be animating it wrong:
![[Image: chikoritarun.gif]](http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/4656/chikoritarun.gif)
Geez, how did I miss these posts? Kirlia's the next Pokemon, so you guys were right
Thanks for the Comments!
@ KageX & Carpaccio: Giovanni will have both his FR/LG and HG/SS costume, since this Project Acts as a 'Mega Pokemon game.' Also, to be honest, the original Trainer Costumes are only being considered as an unlockable, sort of like the GB Player in HG/SS, if, of course I add the whole 'Customizable Trainer' thing to the Project (I really want to see something like this in a Pokemon game, so I really kind of want to make this happen) Just like Wallace will most likely be in his Emerald Costume (maybe I'll throw in the Cape, I dunno yet, I'm more worried about the actual Pokemon)
@TailsDM: I'm assuming you mean the head, since almost every other Quadruped made so far runs similar to that. Although I think you animated it slightly wrong...Here's the Original Animation:
Now that I look at it, I think I see what you mean the Front Left (Our Right) Leg sort of twitches in & out of place...I'll fix that
Edit: Fixed:
anyway Kirlia's almost done (Decided to give it a Spin Animation, and it's taking longer than I expected), it should be up by the end of the week (I'm hoping to get it done by Wednesday, but I'm pretty busy tomorrow & Wednesday, so we'll see)
Great work! Cant wait to see this Kirlia when it comes!
It seems a little weird that the leaf doesn't move when Chickorita runs.
Can't wait to see Kirlia.
Fixed the Leaf in Chikorita's Run:
![[Image: tag067.png]](http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/2503/tag067.png)
Kirlia's done:
Next up is a Normal Type Pokemon who Evolves by Leveling up while knowing Rollout (and is also one of my personal favorites from the First Generation)
But before that, I think I might remake Gallade, since the current one's pretty short...
(06-09-2010, 07:18 PM)JoshR691 Wrote: [ -> ]Kirlia's done:
![[Image: tag208.png]](http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/5056/tag208.png)
Next up is a Normal Type Pokemon who Evolves by Leveling up while knowing Rollout (and is also one of my personal favorites from the First Generation)
But before that, I think I might remake Gallade, since the current one's pretty short...
MMmmmm...Snorlax's pre-evo, since it's in the Sinnoh Dex? Nice job on fixing Kirlia too.
No, its Lickitung!
Great Kirlia, by the way!
I haven't been here for
such a long time. All of these new sprites are absolutely fantastic!

Kirlia looks great! I love the amount of frames put in for each move.