(07-28-2010, 08:13 PM)JoshR691 Wrote: [ -> ]@ Koolcid: Gastly & Gengar have already been made
@ A.J. Nitro: That's right! Mr. Bignose is next...I also just noticed this, I was looking at his old sprites, and in Red & Blue, he had 5 Fingers instead of 3
i was gonna geus drowzee but then well i thought gengar is more dream eater

Hey have you ever considered doing chracters from the manga? Im just wondering.
I have, but then I decided that I wanted to keep it game-only characters...The only exceptions are Jesse & James, who showed up in Yellow. Ash, however, won't because you're still technically Red in Yellow
(07-31-2010, 07:55 PM)JoshR691 Wrote: [ -> ]I have, but then I decided that I wanted to keep it game-only characters...The only exceptions are Jesse & James, who showed up in Yellow. Ash, however, won't because you're still technically Red in Yellow
Actually, that's the anime you're thinking of. The Pokemon manga has completely different characters:
(08-01-2010, 11:02 AM)lonely_cubone Wrote: [ -> ] (07-31-2010, 07:55 PM)JoshR691 Wrote: [ -> ]I have, but then I decided that I wanted to keep it game-only characters...The only exceptions are Jesse & James, who showed up in Yellow. Ash, however, won't because you're still technically Red in Yellow
Actually, that's the anime you're thinking of. The Pokemon manga has completely different characters: http://www.serebii.net/manga/characters/
He was saying that his only exception from his rule on "In game characters only" would be Jessie and James. He wasn't saying that they were from the manga.
Odd...I could've sworn I fixed that a long while ago...Oh well, It'll be fixed when I eventually remake him (If it's under the right section, there's really no need to have the tag...especially on a sheet that's going to be remade) Or I'll upload it with a Tag...Either way, it'll eventually get a tag
(07-28-2010, 07:18 PM)JoshR691 Wrote: [ -> ]Next up is a Pokemon who is known for putting people to sleep and Eating their Dreams
Um, Drowzee, perhaps?
Drowzee's finished:
Next up is a Pokemon who's arms appear to be two of it's pre-evolved form (I wonder how obvious this one is, hehe)
Drowzee looks awesome! And that hint is tough. You're saying that it's a Pokemon that has is pre-evolved form as its arms?
I would say Metang, right?
see i was thinking probopass, his arm things look like little nosepasses
but now that i actually think about it i guiess metang seems right
Metang is correct!
I thought it would be extremely obvious, since I just remade Beldum not too long ago, and Metang appears to have 2 Beldum for Arms
I never would've guessed. To me they're more like Beldums, but without the eyeball part.