Yup, and I'll most likely follow it up with a remake of Omanyte
say, Back with the metang hint, it says in the pokedex or atleast in the description on cards that metangs arms are two beldum.
but actually Ash is in Pokemon red and blue, Yes I know he's called red, and he looks similar to ash the only difference is that he's called red in the games and his jacket is a different color. but if you play red or blue on Pokemon stadium, on the title screen of red and blue where you see Red, he has the exact same outfit coloration as Ash's original outfit. In other words Ash and Red are the exact same character, just different name. but then agian I geuss there's not much of a reason for Josh to remake is original Red sheet just to change Red's jacket to blue instead of red.
Just because they appear to look the same in the game doesn't mean they're the same character.
Red is the character you play as in Red & Blue, as well as one of the Manga's Main character, while
Ash is just the star of the Anime and, if you really want to get technical, Yellow (Even though it's still Red with an Altered Sprite [To me it looks more like they tried to get him to look more like his Artwork])...Plus G/S/C/HG/SS kind of blow your theory up, since you can face Red (Not Ash) and Blue (Not Gary)
Although, now I'm contemplating if I should include Jessie & James...Or anything Else from Yellow...Or even the Original Designs for Gold & Red (Kris will still probably get in, since she's an entirely different character than her HG/SS Counterpart)
(08-17-2010, 06:32 PM)JoshR691 Wrote: [ -> ]Just because they appear to look the same in the game doesn't mean they're the same character. Red is the character you play as in Red & Blue, as well as one of the Manga's Main character, while Ash is just the star of the Anime and, if you really want to get technical, Yellow (Even though it's still Red with an Altered Sprite [To me it looks more like they tried to get him to look more like his Artwork])...Plus G/S/C/HG/SS kind of blow your theory up, since you can face Red (Not Ash) and Blue (Not Gary)
Although, now I'm contemplating if I should include Jessie & James...Or anything Else from Yellow...Or even the Original Designs for Gold & Red (Kris will still probably get in, since she's an entirely different character than her HG/SS Counterpart)
Just a little fun fact, according to the manga, Crystal is Lyra.
Finished Omastar:
Next up is a Pokemon who Uses it's horn to break up Ice in the Sea, and loves frigid Water...and as a bonus hint, This Pokemon is one of 2 Pure Water types to evolve into a part Ice Type
Yup, Seel's exactly correct
I don't know why I thought the first hint would make it hard to guess...
I just realized, shouldn't Omastar have Withdraw on this sheet?
I completely forget about Withdraw, I'll add that soon
(08-17-2010, 06:32 PM)JoshR691 Wrote: [ -> ]Although, now I'm contemplating if I should include Jessie & James...Or anything Else from Yellow...Or even the Original Designs for Gold & Red (Kris will still probably get in, since she's an entirely different character than her HG/SS Counterpart)
I think you should include Jessie and James, they are a part of yellow which may be based slightly on the anime but they're still in a main series game.
And on the idea of having the original designs for Red and Gold, I think it would be cool to have both the original designs and the updated ones on characters.
Actually, thats a good point; Jessie and James were in Pokemon Puzzle League
Well, I'm only making people from the main games, but like I said, I don't know if I want to do the Yellow Trainers (all are the same as in Red & Blue, except Jessie & James)
Anyway, I added withdraw to Omastar's sheet:
![[Image: tag215.png]](http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/7602/tag215.png)
are you going to do Swampert? =)