Luxio might come soon-ish, but Luxray might still be kind of far off...I haven't really decided when I'm going to get to a lot of Pokemon, I'm just focusing on a few I want to get done soon
...Speaking of, Raticate's finished:
Next up is a Pokemon who is only Female, but cannot breed despite not being a Legendary Pokemon. It's previous form can breed, however
I'm probably going to go back and redo Rattata before I do anything new...
Raticate's great! I love the hopping animation.
Nidoqueen's next?
I thought Nidorina could breed

Nope, only Nidoran Female can breed...To make it more complicated, both Nidorino and Nidoking can breed...
Thanx dude your sprites kick total ASS!!!!
Hey Josh do you mind if i use your sprites for a comic i'm doing? Oh and could you do buizel and remake riolu please for my comic? Or i'm asking to much of you?

Uh, would you mind not double posting? You can edit your posts or PM Josh if you'd like to ask him something.
Also you need to have 20 posts to make a request. :/
Man I LOVE your sprites I have every single one of them in my PC and could you please post the stage that you have in your signature? Also can you make Groundon Kyogre and Rayquaza?
@ Rowanthewolf10: Buizel will eventually get made, Riolu will eventually be remade
@ Alternate: I haven't made The Gym Leader Background in my Signature available because I could probably do better, and that was just something I threw together for the sake of the Signature (Although, if I ever get around to making more Backgrounds, they will probably be bigger, but that same General Shape). As for Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza, they'll eventually be made...probably not anytime soon, as they're pretty big, but I'll eventually get to them
Sorry I took so long guys, but at least I got Rattata remade...:
...Yes, I actually did start Nidorina, I'm hoping to have her done soon-ish...hopefully within the next week or so